Deaths, Slovenia, 2015
In 2015, on average 54 people died per day
In 2015, 19,834 people died or 5% more than in 2014. The mean age for men was 72.8 years, while the mean age for women was 81 years. A boy born in 2015 can expect to live 77.59 years and a girl 83.51 years.
In 2015, 19,834 people died in Slovenia or 5% more than in 2014
In 2015, 19,834 people died in Slovenia: 9,739 men and 10,095 women. The crude death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 population) was 9.6.
In 2015, on average 54 persons died per day. One in ten persons who died in 2015 died in January, which was thus the month with most deceased persons (1,922).
Half of people died in health facilities, 43% people died at home. 20% more women than men died at home. 6% of people died elsewhere (i.e. place of traffic accident, in nature, etc.). A quarter of those who died in health facilities died in Ljubljana, 14% in Maribor and 8% in Celje.
The mean age at death is rising; in 2015 it was 76.9 years. The mean age for men at death was 72.8 years, while the mean age for women at death was 81 years (on average women were 8.2 years older than men at death).
The share of premature mortality tells how many persons die before 65 years of age. In 2015, one in five persons (19%) died before 65 years of age. The share of premature mortality is higher among men than among women (27% for men and 11% for women).
In 2015 (besides 2012) we recorded the lowest infant mortality rate; 33 infants died (18 boys and 15 girls), which is 1.6 per 1,000 live births.
Women live longer than men
Value of life expectancy for boys and girls at birth is slightly lower than a year before. A boy born in 2015 can expect to live 77.59 years and a girl 83.51 or by 6 years less than a girl born in the same year.
In the past three decades male life expectancy increased by 10 years and female life expectancy by 8 years. From 1985 to 2015 the difference in life expectancy between women and men declined from 8 years to 6 years.
Another year of natural increase
In Slovenia, a natural increase was recorded for the tenth consecutive year; in 2015, 807 people more were born than died. Compared to 2014 the natural increase was lower by 1,472 persons, but it was still positive. The value of natural increase per 1,000 population decreased from 1.1 in 2014 to 0.4 in 2015.
Data on natural increase by municipalities and regions are published on the SI-STAT Data Portal.
Interactive map 1: Deaths per 1,000 population, municipalities, Slovenia, 2015
Source: SURS (STAGE)
Table 1: Deaths, Slovenia
Source: SURS, NIJZ |
Table 2: Natural increase, Slovenia
Source: SURS, NIJZ |