Place names, Slovenia, 1. 1. 2017

Do you know how many "sunny" streets there are on the sunny side of the Alps?

There are 41 streets in Slovenia whose names are associated with the word sun.

  • 3 October 2017 at 10:30
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There is always sunshine after the rain…

There are 41 streets in Slovenia whose names are associated with the word sun. Eighteen streets are named Sunny Road (Sončna pot) and 18 streets are named Sunny Street (Sončna ulica).  One street is named Sunny Village (Sončna vas), one Sunny Embankment (Sončno nabrežje), one Sunny Terraces (Sončne terase), one Sunny Vale (Sončni log) and one Sunny Hill (Sončni grič). There are 2,006 people living on “sunny” streets. Most of them live on the streets named Sunny Vale (Sončni log) in the settlement of Logatec (352), Sunny Road (Sončna pot) in the settlement of Portorož (150), Sunny Street (Sončna ulica) in the settlement of Šempeter v Savinjski dolini (138) and Sunny Hill (Sončni grič) in the settlement of Velenje (104).

Streets with “sun-related” names can be found in eight out of twelve statistical regions, while the “sunniest” region is Podravska. As many as 11 streets can be found there that are by name associated with the word sun. In the regions of Koroška, Zasavska, Posavska and Primorsko-notranjska there is not one such street name. 

Rain … Rainy …

There are also settlements in Slovenia whose names can at first glance be associated with rain. However, looking at the etymology dictionary we can see that this is not the case. For example, such settlements are Dežno pri Makolah and Dežno pri Podlehniku. These are smaller settlements in the Podravska region with fewer than 100 inhabitants per less than 10 km2. Some other settlements the names of which can also be associated with the word rain are Puddles (Luže) in the municipality of Šenčur, Puddle (Luža) and Cold Puddle (Mrzla luža) in the municipality of Trebnje, and also Puddlers (Lužarji) in the municipality of Velike Lašče. The original settlers of these places are supposed to really live near puddles.

On the website you can also browse other names of 6,036 settlements and 10,112 streets and learn a lot of interesting facts.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.