Digital Entrepreneurship, detailed data, Slovenia, 2017
The rate of digitization of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed in 2017
In 2017, 42% of enterprises in Slovenia have a very low digital intensity index and 4% a very high digital intensity index. The index is calculated on the basis of 12 indicators used to monitor the ICT usage in enterprises.
The purpose of digitization is to connect individual business processes in the enterprises and to take advantage of the business opportunities provided by the usage of information-communication technologies. The rate of digitization of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed is monitored by the digital intensity index, which consists of 12 indicators used to monitor the use of ICT in enterprises in an individual year. According to the number of elements they meet enterprises are classified into four groups.
Most of the enterprises have a very low digital intensity index
Most of the enterprises with at least 10 persons employed (42%) have a very low digital intensity index; 35% of enterprises have a low digital intensity index, 19% have a high digital intensity index and 4% have a very high digital intensity index.
As regards the enterprise size (number of persons employed), the highest share of enterprises with a very low digital index is among small enterprises (46%) and with a very high digital index among large enterprises (17%).
Indicators for monitoring the digital intensity index in 2017
Enterprises in which more than half of persons employed use computers with Internet access for business purposes
In 43% of enterprises more than 50% of persons employed use computers with Internet access for business purposes.
As regards the enterprise size, the share is the highest among small enterprises; in 44% of those enterprises more than 50% of persons employed use computers with Internet access for business purposes. The share in medium-sized enterprises is 37% and in large enterprises 39%.
Enterprises employing ICT specialists
19% of enterprises employ ICT specialists; 13% of small, 40% of medium-sized and 81% of large enterprises.
Maximum contracted download speed of the fastest fixed Internet connection is at least 30 Mbit/s
35% of enterprises had maximum contracted downloaded speed of the fastest fixed Internet connection at least 30 Mbit/s.
Most enterprises (40%) have maximum contracted download speed of the fastest fixed Internet connection at least 10 but less than 30 Mbit/s. 16% of enterprises have at least 100 Mbit/s.
Enterprises provided more than 20% of the persons employed with a portable device that allows a mobile connection to the Internet for business use
38% of enterprises provided more than a fifth of their persons employed with a portable device that allows a mobile connection to the Internet.
81% of enterprises provided their persons employed with a portable device, e.g. laptop or tablet computer (57%) or mobile phone (75%) that allows a mobile connection to the Internet for business use. Enterprises provided portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the Internet to 22% of their persons employed.
Enterprises have a website
83% of enterprises are present on the Internet with a website; 81% of enterprises in manufacturing activities and 86% of enterprises in service activities.
Enterprise website provides one of the advanced functionalities
81% of enterprises provide one of the following functionalities on the website: provide description of goods or services, price lists on the website (81%), make it possible for visitors to customise or design online goods or services (4%), enable tracking the status of orders placed on the website (7%), and provide personalised content on the website for regular or recurrent visitors (3%).
Enterprises have a profile on social media
47% of enterprises use (have a profile or licence) social media; 45% have a profile on social networks, 17% on multimedia content sharing websites and 7% have their own blog or microblog.
Enterprises use an ERP software package
30% of enterprises use an ERP software package (Enterprise Resource Planning), which stores and shares information among different functional areas (e.g. accounting, planning, production, marketing, etc.)
Enterprises use software for managing information about customers (CRM)
25% of enterprises use software for managing information about customers (CRM).
Enterprises share supply chain management information with other enterprises
15% of enterprises share electronically supply chain management information with other enterprises, e.g. information on inventory levels, production plans or progress of deliveries, etc. 10% of enterprises share supply chain management information electronically with other enterprises via websites (own or those of business partners) and 11% via electronic transmission suitable for automated processing (e.g. EDI-type systems).
Enterprises generated at least 1% of their turnover in the previous year via computer networks – with orders via websites or via electronic data interchange (EDI)
In 2016, 18% of enterprises generated at least 1% of their turnover with orders via computer networks.
25% of enterprises generated part of their turnover via computer networks; 20% via website and 6% via electronic data interchange. Enterprises generated via computer networks 16.3% of their turnover (excluding VAT) in 2016.
Enterprises generated more than 1% of their turnover via web sales and more than 10% of their web sales to private customers
In 2016, 5% of enterprises generated more than 1% of their turnover in the previous year with web sales and at the same time web sales to private customers represented more than 10% of their web sales.
Enterprises generated 3.0% of their turnover (excluding VAT) with web sales in Slovenia.
More data for 2017 on the SI-STAT Data Portal
More detailed data on the usage of social media, purchase of cloud computing services, e-commerce, etc., for 2017 are published on the SI-STAT Data Portal.
The published data are estimates derived from the survey on the sample which represents enterprises with at least 10 persons employed.