Population Census results
According to final data of the
2002 Census, the population of Slovenia was 1,964,036. Since the 1991
Census the number increased by 2.6%.
The increase by 50,681 persons is the result of immigration from abroad
(28,000 persons since 1991) and the legalisation of residence of former
Yugoslav citizens who already lived in Slovenia in the period of the
1991 Census. Natural increase between the last two censuses was negative
(by 3,500).
The most significant demographic processes
in the 1991-2002 period were the increase of the
number of households by 8.3%, the decrease of the average household size
from 3.0 to 2.8 and the increase of consensual unions from 17,000 to
42,000 (index 242).
Compared to the previous census, the number of
dwellings for permanent or occasional use in Slovenia
increased by 94,635 or 13.9%. The share of
occupied dwellings decreased in comparison with the 1991 Census.
Changes in the number of inhabitants between the 1991 and 2002 censuses,
municipalities, Slovenia

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First Release |

PDF - 108 KB
Basic data on the
population, families, buildings and dwellings in Slovenia, and
changes between the 1991 and 2002 censuses. |
Rapid Reports, Population |
Censuses in Slovenia 1948–1991 and Census 2002 |

PDF - 5,23 MB |
Short analytical overview of the
population, households and housing in Slovenia in words,
pictures and figures.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia,
Vožarski pot 12, 1000 LJUBLJANA, |