Spatial level:
Number of settlements:
Number of streets:


The Place Names web application displays selected statistical data on settlements and streets in Slovenia. By clicking the menus, users can get the following information in a simple way:

  • How many settlements and streets in Slovenia have the same name and how often is an individual name repeated
  • Where the settlements or streets you are inquiring about are located
  • Municipality where the settlement is located, and municipality and settlement where the street is located
  • Basic data on settlements you are inquiring about (number of population, number of men and women, population density, settlement area)
  • How many house numbers there are on the streets you are inquiring about
  • Data on the largest and smallest settlements (by area, by population)

The Place Names Database covers all settlements (6,035) and streets (10,244) with house numbers as of 1 January 2024.

The source for the names of settlements and streets, for the number of house numbers and for data on the area is the Register of Spatial Units kept by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. The source of population data for a selected settlement is the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.