Persons in employment, Slovenia, October 2021

The number of persons in employment up

In October 2021, there were about 911,800 persons in employment. Among the self-employed, two-thirds were self-employed men and one-third were self-employed women.

  • 16 December 2021 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data

On a monthly basis the number of persons in employment increased by about 5,400

At the end of October 2021, there were slightly more than 911,800 persons in employment (0.6% more than in September 2021 and 2.4% more than a year ago). Once again, the number of persons in employment was the highest since we started monitoring register-based data on employment. If we take for comparison October 2011, the number of persons in employment increased by 10.6%. On a monthly basis, the number of persons in paid employment increased by 0.6% (to about 815,000) and the number of self-employed persons by 0.4% (to about 96,900). Both also increased on an annual basis, the former by 2.4% and the latter by 2.2%.

Higher number of men and women in employment on a monthly and annual basis

Compared to September 2021, the number of men in employment increased by 0.7% (to about 501,600) and the number of women in employment by 0.5% (to more than 410,200). Most men (14.6%) and women (15.4%) in employment were in the age group of 40-44. The data show that in this age group in both genders the highest number of persons was employed in manufacturing.

In October 2021, the number of persons in paid employment and self-employed persons in both genders increased on a monthly basis.The number of men in paid employment increased by 0.7% (to about 437,600) and the number of women in paid employment by 0.5% (to more than 377,400). At the annual level, the number of the former increased by 2.7% and of the latter by 2.1%, while compared to the same period ten years ago the number of men in paid employment increased by 11.5% and of women by 11.8%.

As regards data on self-employed persons, there were significantly more self-employed men than self-employed women. In October 2021, 66.1% of all self-employed persons were men and 33.9% were women. The number in both increased on a monthly basis (the former by 0.4%, the latter by 0.3%), while compared to October 2011 the number of self-employed men decreased by 2.9%, while the number of self-employed women increased by 15.6%. In October 2021, the majority of self-employed men and women were in agriculture, forestry and fishing (the former 22.9% and the latter 20.8%).

The number of persons in employment lower in a quarter of activities

In October 2021, the number of persons in employment decreased on a monthly basis in five activities and increased in fifteen.

It decreased the most in administrative and support service activities, i.e. by 0.2% (to about 34,400), while at the annual level the number increased (by 0.7%). In October 2021, there were in this activity slightly more men in employment (52.2%) than women (47.8%), both mostly in paid employment (90.8% of men and 90.2% of women).

On the other hand, the number of persons in employment in manufacturing increased the most, i.e. by 0.8% (to more than 207,900), and on an annual basis by 3.4%. The last time there were more persons in employment in this activity was in December 2019 (about 800 more). In October 2021, there were 96.4% of persons in paid employment and 3.6% were self-employed persons. More than half of the persons in employment were men (67.8%), most of whom were in paid employment (95.6%) and the rest were self-employed (4.4%).

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.

Persons in employment, Slovenia
X 2021 X 2021 
IX 2021
X 2021
X 2020
Persons in employment911,820100.6102.4
Persons in paid employment814,963100.6102.4
   by legal persons765,967100.7102.7
   by natural persons48,996100.098.2
Self employed persons96,857100.4102.2
   individual private enterpreneurs69,732100.6104.0
   own-account workers6,390100.299.1
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.