Consumer price indices, Slovenia, December 2021

Annual growth of consumer prices at 4.9%, average annual inflation at 1.9%

In the last year consumer prices went up by 4.9%. Average annual inflation was 1.9%. In one year, goods prices increased by 6.7% and service prices by 1.5%. At the monthly level prices on average remained the same.

  • 30 December 2021 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
In 2021 inflation at 4.9%

Annual growth of consumer prices was 4.9% (in 2020: –1.1%). Average annual growth was 1.9% (in 2020: –0.1%).

In one year, goods and service prices increased on average by 6.7% and 1.5%, respectively. As regards goods, non-durable goods prices went up by 7.2%, durable goods prices by 6.5% and semi-durable goods prices by 4.8%.

The largest upward impact (1.3 percentage points; p.p.) on the annual inflation in 2021 was made by higher prices of petroleum products (diesel prices increased by 34.5%, petrol prices by 31.8% and liquid fuels prices by 13.7%). Prices of food went up by 4.0% and had an impact of 0.6 p.p. on annual inflation, while 0.5 p.p. was added by higher prices of heat energy (by 70.9%). 0.4 p.p. of upward impact on inflation was the result of higher prices of services in restaurants and hotels (by 6.1%), clothing and footwear (by 5.9%), and furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance (by 5.7%). 0.3 p.p. was contributed by each higher prices of new motor cars (by 8.0%), and products and services in the group recreation and culture (by 3.4%).

The largest downward impacts (by 0.2 p.p. in each group) were that of lower prices of private insurance connected with health (by 12.7%), and of telephone and telefax services (by 3.9%).

Prices in December on average the same as in November

Consumer prices on average did not change from November to December.

Although on average there were no price changes in December 2021, prices of some products and services noticeably went up or down. 0.3 p.p. of upward impact was made by higher prices of food (by 2.1%). 0.1 p.p. was contributed by higher prices of each of the following: international flights (by 43.3%), new motor cars (by 1.5%), electricity (by 1.7%) and furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance (by 0.7%).

In comparison to the previous month, prices of petrol products were lower (liquid fuel prices by 9.9%, petrol prices by 4.0% and diesel prices by 3.7%) and lowered the inflation by 0.3 p.p. Lower prices of private insurance connected with health (by 12.7%) impacted inflation by –0.2 p.p. Inflation was also lowered, namely by 0.1 p.p., by lower prices of refuse collection (by 4.6%) and of package holidays (by 3.2%). Other lower monthly prices added another –0.1 p.p.

Harmonised indices of consumer prices

Measured with the harmonised index of consumer prices, in December 2021 the annual growth of consumer prices was 5.1% (in December 2020:  −1.2%). The 12-month average price growth was 2.0% (in the same period last year: –0.3%). The monthly price growth was 0.1%.

Compared to December 2020, on average goods prices went up by 6.9% and service prices by 1.6%. As regards goods, non-durable goods prices went up by 7.8%, durable goods prices by 6.3% and semi-durable goods prices by 4.3%.

Measured with the harmonised index of consumer prices, in November 2021 the annual inflation rate in the EMU countries was 4.9% (in October 2021: 4.1%). In the EU-27 Member States it was 5.2% (up from 4.9% in October 2021). The lowest annual inflation rate was recorded in Malta (2.4%) and the highest in Lithuania (9.3%); in Slovenia it stood at 4.9%.

Table with the latest data is available in the SiStat Database.
Annual growth rates of consumer prices, Slovenia
Annual growth rates of consumer prices, Slovenia
Source: SURS
Consumer price indices, Slovenia
XII 21
XII 20
XII 21
XI 21 
I–XII 21
I–XII 20
XII 21
Ø 15 
01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages103.9102.199.8113.38
02 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco102.499.4103.2111.72
03 Clothing and footwear105.999.6100.5104.72
04 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels108.6100.2105.3119.94
05 Furnishing, household equipment and routine household maintenance105.7100.7102.2107.71
06 Health99.5100.0101.7108.69
07 Transport112.599.7106.0103.85
08 Communications96.4100.199.1101.94
09 Recreation and culture103.498.698.3100.54
10 Education100.5100.0100.8113.18
11 Restaurants and hotels106.1100.1103.0116.43
12 Miscellaneous goods and services97.997.599.9108.06
Source: SURS
Growth rates of harmonised consumer prices, Slovenia
XII 21
XII 20
XII 21
XI 21 
I–XII 21
I–XII 20
XII 211)
Ø 15 
01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages4.02.1-0.1112.80
02 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco2.3-0.43.3111.88
03 Clothing and footwear5.5-0.30.3103.52
04 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels8.50.24.9119.80
05 Furnishing, household equipment and routine household maintenance5.00.62.0105.79
06 Health-
07 Transport14.4-1.17.2105.63
08 Communications-4.70.1-1.1101.11
09 Recreation and culture2.9-0.8-1.3103.43
10 Education0.60.00.8111.90
11 Restaurants and hotels5.60.22.7117.54
12 Miscellaneous goods and services0.3-0.60.6109.82
1) Indices.
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.