Students in pre-tertiary education, school years 2022/2023 and 2021/2022
The number of children in basic education continues to grow
At the beginning of the school year 2022/23, 86,177 children were attending kindergartens, 197,062 basic school and 77,462 upper secondary school.
Slightly more children in kindergartens
In the school year 2022/23, 86,177 children were enrolled in kindergartens, i.e. 220 more than in the previous year. The number of children in the first age group (children aged 1 and 2) went up by 1.8%, while in the second age group (children from 3 years of age until entering school) it went slightly down (by 0.5%).
Pre-school education was provided by 992 kindergartens and their units, 869 of them public and 123 private. A large majority of children (94%) were attending public kindergartens.
The number of children in basic education continues to grow
In 2022/23, 197,062 children were enrolled in basic school program with regular and adapted curriculum, which is 0.8% more than in the previous year. The number of children in basic education has been growing since 2010/11, when it was the lowest in independent Slovenia (161,046).
In the school year 2022/23, 21,059 children entered first grade of basic school. Children in Slovenia enter basic education at 6 years of age. However, some start school a year later than their peers for various reasons. In the observed school year, 12% of first-graders were seven-year-olds.

On average, 19 pupils per class
Compulsory basic education was carried out by 771 basic schools and their subsidiaries and by 48 basic schools with adapted curriculum and institutions for children with special education needs. In the largest school, 1,140 pupils were attending classes, in the largest school branch 528 and in the smallest branch only 3.
The average class had 19 pupils. In independent and central basic schools, there were on average 21 pupils per class, and in subsidiary schools only 11 pupils per class. The average number of children per class also varies among statistical regions. It was the lowest in basic schools in the Pomurska and Koroška statistical regions (16) and the highest in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region (21).
9% of the basic school population were children with special needs
In regular and adapted basic education programmes, there were 18,409 children with special needs, which was 9% of all children in basic school. Most of them (85%) were included in regular programmes with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance and represented 8% of all pupils in regular basic education programmes.
More pupils in upper secondary education
In the school year 2022/23, 77,462 pupils were enrolled in upper secondary education, 2.7% more than in the previous school year. We expect the number of pupils to continue to increase in the coming years, as there is still a large number of pupils in basic education. This education was carried out by 143 public upper secondary schools, 6 private upper secondary schools and 6 institutions for special needs children.
Among 22,786 first-year pupils, 21,781 were new entrants, entering upper secondary education for the first time. Others were either repeaters or changed their study programme.
In upper secondary vocational programmes more boys, in general programmes more girls
27,511 pupils were enrolled in upper secondary general programmes, 36,487 in technical programmes, 12,283 in vocational programmes and 1,181 in short-term vocational programmes.
Girls represented 31% of pupils in short-term upper secondary vocational education, 30% in upper secondary vocational education, and 46% in upper secondary technical education. On the other hand, they represented 62% of pupils in general upper secondary education.
Most male pupils in engineering, most female pupils in health and services
Men tend to choose technical and vocational programmes much more often than women. Three out of four (73%) male pupils were enrolled in these programmes, mostly in the fields of Engineering, manufacturing and construction (43% of all male pupils), followed by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (8%).
On the other hand, 55% of female pupils were enrolled in technical and vocational programmes, mostly in the fields of Health and welfare (12% of all female pupils), followed by Services (11%) and Business and administration (10%).

More participants in adult education programmes
In the school year 2021/22, 1,024 adults took lessons in basic school programme for adults (a year earlier 967). Two out of three participants (68%) were men, more than a third of whom younger than 18 years of age (36%).
Upper secondary education programmes for adults were attended by 14,225 participants in 2021/22, almost 3% more than in the previous year. 73% of participants were younger than 25 years. The distribution by sex was in favour of women (52%). 4% of participants wished to receive a general upper secondary education, 61% of adults were enrolled in technical programmes and 35% in vocational upper secondary programmes. The majority of participants attended programmes in the field of business and administration.

In the school year 2022/23, 86,177 children were enrolled in kindergartens, i.e. 220 more than in the previous year. The number of children in the first age group (children aged 1 and 2) went up by 1.8%, while in the second age group (children from 3 years of age until entering school) it went slightly down (by 0.5%).
Pre-school education was provided by 992 kindergartens and their units, 869 of them public and 123 private. A large majority of children (94%) were attending public kindergartens.
The number of children in basic education continues to grow
In 2022/23, 197,062 children were enrolled in basic school program with regular and adapted curriculum, which is 0.8% more than in the previous year. The number of children in basic education has been growing since 2010/11, when it was the lowest in independent Slovenia (161,046).
In the school year 2022/23, 21,059 children entered first grade of basic school. Children in Slovenia enter basic education at 6 years of age. However, some start school a year later than their peers for various reasons. In the observed school year, 12% of first-graders were seven-year-olds.
On average, 19 pupils per class
Compulsory basic education was carried out by 771 basic schools and their subsidiaries and by 48 basic schools with adapted curriculum and institutions for children with special education needs. In the largest school, 1,140 pupils were attending classes, in the largest school branch 528 and in the smallest branch only 3.
The average class had 19 pupils. In independent and central basic schools, there were on average 21 pupils per class, and in subsidiary schools only 11 pupils per class. The average number of children per class also varies among statistical regions. It was the lowest in basic schools in the Pomurska and Koroška statistical regions (16) and the highest in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region (21).
9% of the basic school population were children with special needs
In regular and adapted basic education programmes, there were 18,409 children with special needs, which was 9% of all children in basic school. Most of them (85%) were included in regular programmes with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance and represented 8% of all pupils in regular basic education programmes.
More pupils in upper secondary education
In the school year 2022/23, 77,462 pupils were enrolled in upper secondary education, 2.7% more than in the previous school year. We expect the number of pupils to continue to increase in the coming years, as there is still a large number of pupils in basic education. This education was carried out by 143 public upper secondary schools, 6 private upper secondary schools and 6 institutions for special needs children.
Among 22,786 first-year pupils, 21,781 were new entrants, entering upper secondary education for the first time. Others were either repeaters or changed their study programme.
In upper secondary vocational programmes more boys, in general programmes more girls
27,511 pupils were enrolled in upper secondary general programmes, 36,487 in technical programmes, 12,283 in vocational programmes and 1,181 in short-term vocational programmes.
Girls represented 31% of pupils in short-term upper secondary vocational education, 30% in upper secondary vocational education, and 46% in upper secondary technical education. On the other hand, they represented 62% of pupils in general upper secondary education.
Most male pupils in engineering, most female pupils in health and services
Men tend to choose technical and vocational programmes much more often than women. Three out of four (73%) male pupils were enrolled in these programmes, mostly in the fields of Engineering, manufacturing and construction (43% of all male pupils), followed by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) (8%).
On the other hand, 55% of female pupils were enrolled in technical and vocational programmes, mostly in the fields of Health and welfare (12% of all female pupils), followed by Services (11%) and Business and administration (10%).
More participants in adult education programmes
In the school year 2021/22, 1,024 adults took lessons in basic school programme for adults (a year earlier 967). Two out of three participants (68%) were men, more than a third of whom younger than 18 years of age (36%).
Upper secondary education programmes for adults were attended by 14,225 participants in 2021/22, almost 3% more than in the previous year. 73% of participants were younger than 25 years. The distribution by sex was in favour of women (52%). 4% of participants wished to receive a general upper secondary education, 61% of adults were enrolled in technical programmes and 35% in vocational upper secondary programmes. The majority of participants attended programmes in the field of business and administration.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.