Food waste, 2022
Slightly less food waste than a year earlier
The amount of food waste generated in food services went up, while in food production, households and food stores it went down. A resident of Slovenia discarded on average 72 kilograms of food.
More food waste generated only by food services
In 2022, 150,839 tonnes of food waste was generated. The total amount was 2% smaller than a year before. Most food waste was generated by households (47%). In food services, 37% of total food waste was generated, in food stores 9%, and the least (7%) in food production.
Compared to the year before, less food waste was generated in food production (by 21%), in households (by 12%) and in food stores (by 2%). The amounts went up only in food services (by 20%).
In total, almost four fifths of food waste treated in composting and biogas plants
The majority of food waste was treated aerobically in composting plants and anaerobically in biogas plants, 39% each. 21% of food waste was biologically stabilised before being disposed in plants for the mechanical and biological treatment of municipal waste. Less than 1% was processed with other methods, such as incineration, oil refining and other biological recovery processes.
In 2022, 150,839 tonnes of food waste was generated. The total amount was 2% smaller than a year before. Most food waste was generated by households (47%). In food services, 37% of total food waste was generated, in food stores 9%, and the least (7%) in food production.
Compared to the year before, less food waste was generated in food production (by 21%), in households (by 12%) and in food stores (by 2%). The amounts went up only in food services (by 20%).
In total, almost four fifths of food waste treated in composting and biogas plants
The majority of food waste was treated aerobically in composting plants and anaerobically in biogas plants, 39% each. 21% of food waste was biologically stabilised before being disposed in plants for the mechanical and biological treatment of municipal waste. Less than 1% was processed with other methods, such as incineration, oil refining and other biological recovery processes.
Food waste by source, Slovenia, 2022
Food waste by type of treatment, Slovenia, 2022
Other treatment include incineration, oil refining and other biological recovery processes.
Food waste, Slovenia
Data on the amount of food waste have been revised for the period from 2020 on. The revision was carried out based on the results of sorting analyses of mixed municipal waste, which were carried out by the competent institutions on the basis of the Decree on the mandatory municipal public utility service of municipal waste collection. The results showed a higher share of food waste among mixed municipal waste than it had been considered so far, so the data are not fully comparable with the data until 2020.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.