Waste, 4th quarter 2023

Less waste collected, but more waste treated last year

Compared to the 3rd quarter, more waste was collected and recycled. The amount of collected municipal waste also increased slightly. In 2023, less total waste and less municipal waste was collected.

  • 7 March 2024 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
Last year, the share of separately collected municipal waste the highest in the last quarter

From October to December of last year, 3.4 million tonnes of waste were collected, which is slightly more than 29% of all collected waste in 2023. Compared to the average of the previous quarters of the observed year, the amount of collected waste increased by almost a quarter. The amount of waste planned for recycling increased even more (by 28%), amounting to 960,000 tonnes.

277,000 tonnes of municipal waste were collected, of which more than a fifth was mixed municipal waste. In total, almost 79% of municipal waste was collected separately. Among this, paper and paper packaging represented the largest share in the last quarter (24%), followed by biodegradable waste (20%) and bulky waste (15%).

Most bulky waste collected so far

In total, 11.8 million tonnes of waste were collected last year, which is 4% less than in the previous year. Of this, almost 9.8 million tonnes (or 82%) were construction and demolition waste. 10.7 million tonnes of waste (6% more than in 2022) were planned for treatment by final procedures, of which 7.4 million tonnes for backfilling and 3.2 million tonnes for recycling. The rest was incinerated with energy recovery. Almost 402,000 tonnes of waste were disposed by final treatment. Of this, 188,000 tonnes of waste were planned for landfill, of which almost 42% was municipal.

1.04 million tonnes of municipal waste were collected (3% less than in 2022), of which 77.3% was collected separately, which is 6 percentage points more than in the previous year. The largest decrease was detected among mixed municipal waste (by 23%), followed by glass and glass packaging, and biodegradable waste (both by 18%). 

The amount of bulky waste more than doubled to 85,000 tonnes, which is largely the result of extensive flooding at the beginning of August. The amount of collected wood and wooden packaging also increased by more than a third.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Bulky waste collected by quarter, Slovenia
Bulky waste collected by quarter, Slovenia
Waste flow, Slovenia
Q3 2023Q4 2023 Q4 2023 
Q3 2023
tgrowth rate (%)
Collected waste3,253,4753,445,2546
  of which municipal261,541277,2336
Planned for recovery3,077,9963,067,6750
  of which for recycling659,266959,59346
  of which for backfilling2,397,7182,080,341-13
Planned for disposal98,73496,340-2
  of which for landfilling46,49344,332-5
Recovery and disposal of waste include amounts of waste planned for final treatment operations.
Data for the observed quarter are provisional and become final with the publication of the next quarter's data.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.