Employer business demography, 2022

Five years after their creation, 42% of enterprises with at least one employee were still operating

Of the employer enterprise births in 2017, 42% were still operating five years after they were established. Among the employer enterprise births, natural persons prevailed (more than 50%), and most of these enterprises were in the construction.

  • 24 July 2024 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
Most five-year surviving enterprises in real estate activities

Of the enterprises that were founded in 2017, 42.3% were still operating in 2022 (five years after their establishment); of the enterprises created in 2019, 55.1% were still operating after three years; of the enterprises created in 2021, 81.9% were still operating after one year.

Among the enterprises in the field of activity, the largest share of enterprises that were still active five years after their establishment was real estate activities (52.8%), followed by enterprises in mining and quarrying (50.0%), transport and storage, and human health and social work activities (both 49.2%), and the smallest in accommodation and food service activities (32.3%), followed by enterprises in arts, entertainment, recreation activities (32.9%) and other activities (36.2%).

The largest share of enterprises that were active three years after their creation was among enterprises in the field of transport and storage (63%), and among enterprises that survived one year after their creation, mining and quarrying enterprises prevailed (100%).

Employer enterprise births prevailed in construction

In 2022, there were 6,582 employer enterprise births or 16.5% more on an annual basis.The majority of these enterprises, according to their activity, belonged to the field of construction (20.3%), followed by enterprises in professional, scientific and technical activities (16.1%) and in the field of trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (13.6%).

Fewer than 1% of employer enterprise births belonged to the field of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, followed by enterprises in water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities and enterprises in mining and quarrying.

Employer enterprise births employed 10,120 employed and self-employed persons, 17.5% more than in the previous year. Two-thirds of these persons worked to construction, manufacturing, professional, scientific and technical activities, and trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.

The largest number of employer enterprise deaths in professional, scientific and technical activities

According to provisional data, there were 6,522 employer enterprise deaths. The largest number of them were registered in professional, scientific and technical activities (18.2%), followed by enterprises in trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (15.3%) and enterprises in construction (14.8%).

Among all enterprises in Slovenia with at least one employee that were operating in 2022, 8.7% were employer enterprise births in observed year while 8.6% employer enterprise deaths.

Natural persons prevailed among employer enterprises births and deaths

According to the legal form of enterprises with at least one employee, there were more natural persons than legal persons, among the observed employer enterprise births in 2022 as well as among employer enterprise deaths in that year. Among the employer enterprise births, 53.3% were natural persons and 46.7% were legal persons, while among the employer enterprise deaths, 55.2% were natural persons and 44.8% were legal persons.

As in previous years, the majority of employer enterprise births and deaths in 2022 employed a maximum of 4 employees

In the vast majority of employer enterprise births and deaths in 2022 employed a maximum of 4 employees. 97.3% employed 1–4 employees of employer enterprise births, 1.8% employed 5–9 employees and 0.9% employed 10 or more employees of employer enterprise births. Among the employer enterprise deaths in 2022, 98.3% employed 1–4 employees, 1.2% employed 5–9 employees and 0.5% employed 10 or more employees. 

More detailed data on the employer business demography for 2022 will be available in the SiStat Database on 17 September 2024, and broken down by cohesion and statistical regions on 26 September 2024. 
Share of employer enterprise births having survived, one, three and five years, Slovenia
Share of employer enterprise births having survived, one, three and five years, Slovenia
Employer enterprise births by legal form, Slovenia, 2022
Employer enterprise births by legal form, Slovenia, 2022
Employer business demography, Slovenia
Employer enterprise birthsEmployer enterprise deaths1
number% of all enterprisesnumber% of all enterprises
1) Data for employer enterprise deaths in 2022 are provisional.
Data on employer enterprise deaths for 2022 are provisional. Final data are expected to be published in July 2025.

From reference year 2022 on, the number of employees and self-employed persons also includes persons who are simultaneously employed in several enterprises.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.