Nonfinancial sector accounts, 1st quarter 2024
In the first quarter of 2024, households' disposable income increased by 7.3%
In the first quarter of 2024, non-financial corporations and general government sectors recorded a deficit, while financial corporations and households sectors recorded a surplus.
In the first quarter of 2024, Slovenian economy generated a surplus in transactions with the rest of the world in the amount of EUR 868 million or 5.6% of GDP.
The non-financial corporations sector and the general government sector recorded a deficit; non-financial corporations EUR 578 million (3.7% of GDP), general government EUR 309 million (2.0% of GDP). Sectors of financial corporations and households with NPISH recorded a surplus; financial corporations in the amount of EUR 163 million (1.0% of GDP), households in the amount of EUR 1,592 million (10.2% of GDP).
Disposable income of households increased nominally by 7.3% compared to the first quarter of 2023. The household savings rate was 22.6% or 1.8 percentage points higher than a year ago.
The profit share of non-financial corporations (share of gross operating surplus in gross added value) was 22.0% (3.9 percentage points less than in the first quarter of 2023), and the investment rate (share of gross fixed capital formation in gross added value) 24.6 percent (0.4 percentage points more than a year ago).
Tables with the latest statistics are available in the SiStat database.
The non-financial corporations sector and the general government sector recorded a deficit; non-financial corporations EUR 578 million (3.7% of GDP), general government EUR 309 million (2.0% of GDP). Sectors of financial corporations and households with NPISH recorded a surplus; financial corporations in the amount of EUR 163 million (1.0% of GDP), households in the amount of EUR 1,592 million (10.2% of GDP).
Disposable income of households increased nominally by 7.3% compared to the first quarter of 2023. The household savings rate was 22.6% or 1.8 percentage points higher than a year ago.
The profit share of non-financial corporations (share of gross operating surplus in gross added value) was 22.0% (3.9 percentage points less than in the first quarter of 2023), and the investment rate (share of gross fixed capital formation in gross added value) 24.6 percent (0.4 percentage points more than a year ago).
Tables with the latest statistics are available in the SiStat database.
Account of Slovenia with the Rest of the World, current prices, Slovenia
Net lending (+)/net borrowing (-) of institutional sectors, current prices, Slovenia
The release was updated on 25 September 2024. Corrections of statistical data are in the table "Account of Slovenia with the Rest of the World, current prices, Slovenia". We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
In this release, the term households is used for the household sector, including the sector of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH). The impact of NPISHs on the total value is small and usually negligible.
Due to differences in revision policies smaller differences occur between sector accounts statistics and statistics from government accounts. The discrepancies are of temporal nature and are reconciled in the September publication.
All statistics are stated in nominal values and are not seasonally adjusted.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
In this release, the term households is used for the household sector, including the sector of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH). The impact of NPISHs on the total value is small and usually negligible.
Due to differences in revision policies smaller differences occur between sector accounts statistics and statistics from government accounts. The discrepancies are of temporal nature and are reconciled in the September publication.
All statistics are stated in nominal values and are not seasonally adjusted.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.