Expenditure for formal education, 2023
Public expenditure on formal education 9.4% higher, its share in GDP (5.1%) 0.2 of a percentage point lower
Total expenditure on formal education amounted to EUR 3,837 million or 6% of GDP. 92.3% of this expenditure (EUR 3,542 million) was total (public, private, international) expenditure on educational institutions, and 7.7% (EUR 295 million) was household expenditure outside educational institutions.
Public expenditure on formal education amounted to EUR 3 billion and 286 million
Public expenditure on formal education amounted to EUR 3,286 million and was nominally 9.4% higher than in the previous year, but the share in GDP decreased from 5.3% to 5.1%.

EUR 3,041 million or 92.5% of total public funds for formal education were allocated directly to educational institutions. The volume of these funds was nominally higher by 9.1%. The volume of these funds for tertiary education increased the most, by 15.4%. The nominal increase in these funds for preschool and basic education was smaller than the average due to the smaller amount of funds earmarked for investments, which were 41% lower in preschool education and 20% lower in basic education.
EUR 508 million or 16.7% of all the funds allocated to educational institutions were subsidies related to participation in the educational program (for tuition fees, for school in nature, for school meals, for student dormitories). Most of these funds (85.5%) were subsidies for kindergartens, which represented 82.7% of all public funds allocated for preschool education. In other levels of education, the mentioned subsidies represented on average 3% of all public funds allocated to educational institutions.
Funds allocated as direct transfers to the private sector or to households for their expenditure outside educational institutions (for scholarships, transport, students meals) amounted to EUR 246 million (7.5% of all public funds). Compared to the previous year, they were higher by 12.3%, mainly due to the increase in these funds in basic education (by 25.5%) and in higher education (by 16.5%).
Total (public, private and international) expenditure on educational institutions amounted to 5.5% of GDP
EUR 3,542 million was spent on educational institutions in 2023, of which 96% was spent on public and 4% on private educational institutions. 85.9% of all funds for educational institutions was public expenditure, 12.6% private expenditure and 1.5% expenditure or funds from international sources.

Total private expenditure for educational institutions was nominally higher by 8%, which is less than the nominal increase in this expenditure in 2022 (by 22%). As in the previous year, the increase in the volume of this expenditure was the largest in basic education (nominally by 14.4%).
Compared to the previous year, funding for educational institutions from international sources also increased at all levels of education, by 21.3%. This increase was even higher in 2022 (47.3%). Most of these funds (79 % in 2023) are intended for higher education institutions.
Total expenditure on educational institutions was, as in the previous year, nominally higher by 9.1% but its share in GDP decreased from 5.7% to 5.5%. This share was lower for all levels of education, with the exception of tertiary.
Expenditures for educational institutions calculated per education participant increased by 8.4% (from EUR 7,587 to EUR 8,215) and grew at all levels of education.
The calculation of expenditure per student as a share of GDP per capita shows that this share, as with total expenditures for educational institutions, was slightly lower in all levels of education except tertiary.

Educational institutions spent EUR 3.5 billion on current and capital expenditure
Current expenditure in public and private educational institutions amounted to EUR 3,221 million or 91.7% of total expenditure and was nominally higher by 11.3%. The majority of current expenditure (76.5%) was earmarked for earnings and other employee benefits. Compared to the previous year, the volume of these funds increased by 11.0%, and the volume of expenditure for goods and services by 12.2%.
Investment expenditure amounted to EUR 291 million or 8.3% of total expenditure. It was 9.8% lower due to a large decrease in investment spending in preschool education institutions (by 44%) and in basic education institutions (by 18%). In institutions of other levels of education, the volume of investment expenditures increased, the most, by 38.5%, in higher education institutions.
Total expenditure on formal education up by 9.3% over the previous year
Total expenditure on formal education – i.e. public, private and international expenditure directly on educational institutions and household expenditure paid outside educational institutions (together with subsidies for this expenditure from the budget) – amounted to EUR 3,837 million in 2023 (6% of GDP) or by 9.3% more than the previous year. Household expenditure paid outside educational institutions was estimated (based on the Household Budget Survey) at EUR 295 million, or 7.7% of total education expenditure. 41% of this household expenditure comes from subsidies in kind from budget funds.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Public expenditure on formal education amounted to EUR 3,286 million and was nominally 9.4% higher than in the previous year, but the share in GDP decreased from 5.3% to 5.1%.
EUR 3,041 million or 92.5% of total public funds for formal education were allocated directly to educational institutions. The volume of these funds was nominally higher by 9.1%. The volume of these funds for tertiary education increased the most, by 15.4%. The nominal increase in these funds for preschool and basic education was smaller than the average due to the smaller amount of funds earmarked for investments, which were 41% lower in preschool education and 20% lower in basic education.
EUR 508 million or 16.7% of all the funds allocated to educational institutions were subsidies related to participation in the educational program (for tuition fees, for school in nature, for school meals, for student dormitories). Most of these funds (85.5%) were subsidies for kindergartens, which represented 82.7% of all public funds allocated for preschool education. In other levels of education, the mentioned subsidies represented on average 3% of all public funds allocated to educational institutions.
Funds allocated as direct transfers to the private sector or to households for their expenditure outside educational institutions (for scholarships, transport, students meals) amounted to EUR 246 million (7.5% of all public funds). Compared to the previous year, they were higher by 12.3%, mainly due to the increase in these funds in basic education (by 25.5%) and in higher education (by 16.5%).
Total (public, private and international) expenditure on educational institutions amounted to 5.5% of GDP
EUR 3,542 million was spent on educational institutions in 2023, of which 96% was spent on public and 4% on private educational institutions. 85.9% of all funds for educational institutions was public expenditure, 12.6% private expenditure and 1.5% expenditure or funds from international sources.
Total private expenditure for educational institutions was nominally higher by 8%, which is less than the nominal increase in this expenditure in 2022 (by 22%). As in the previous year, the increase in the volume of this expenditure was the largest in basic education (nominally by 14.4%).
Compared to the previous year, funding for educational institutions from international sources also increased at all levels of education, by 21.3%. This increase was even higher in 2022 (47.3%). Most of these funds (79 % in 2023) are intended for higher education institutions.
Total expenditure on educational institutions was, as in the previous year, nominally higher by 9.1% but its share in GDP decreased from 5.7% to 5.5%. This share was lower for all levels of education, with the exception of tertiary.
Expenditures for educational institutions calculated per education participant increased by 8.4% (from EUR 7,587 to EUR 8,215) and grew at all levels of education.
The calculation of expenditure per student as a share of GDP per capita shows that this share, as with total expenditures for educational institutions, was slightly lower in all levels of education except tertiary.
Educational institutions spent EUR 3.5 billion on current and capital expenditure
Current expenditure in public and private educational institutions amounted to EUR 3,221 million or 91.7% of total expenditure and was nominally higher by 11.3%. The majority of current expenditure (76.5%) was earmarked for earnings and other employee benefits. Compared to the previous year, the volume of these funds increased by 11.0%, and the volume of expenditure for goods and services by 12.2%.
Investment expenditure amounted to EUR 291 million or 8.3% of total expenditure. It was 9.8% lower due to a large decrease in investment spending in preschool education institutions (by 44%) and in basic education institutions (by 18%). In institutions of other levels of education, the volume of investment expenditures increased, the most, by 38.5%, in higher education institutions.
Total expenditure on formal education up by 9.3% over the previous year
Total expenditure on formal education – i.e. public, private and international expenditure directly on educational institutions and household expenditure paid outside educational institutions (together with subsidies for this expenditure from the budget) – amounted to EUR 3,837 million in 2023 (6% of GDP) or by 9.3% more than the previous year. Household expenditure paid outside educational institutions was estimated (based on the Household Budget Survey) at EUR 295 million, or 7.7% of total education expenditure. 41% of this household expenditure comes from subsidies in kind from budget funds.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Public expenditure on formal education, Slovenia, 2023
1) Public expenditure on formal education as a percentage of GDP is calculated on the basis of the latest available GDP data (First Release; 30 August 2024; https://www.stat.si/StatWeb/en/News/Index/13068). 2) The total may not add up due to rounding. |
Expenditure on educational institutions, Slovenia, 2023
1) The total may not add up due to rounding. |
Expenditure in educational institutions, Slovenia, 2023
1) The total may not add up due to rounding. |
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.