Indices of industrial production, November 2024
The value of industrial production down
The value of industrial production and turnover in industry decreased over the previous month.
Industrial production down at the monthly and at the annual level
The total value of industrial production was 1.4% lower than in October. In manufacturing it was down by 1.5%, while in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply it was up by 2.0% and in mining and quarrying by 0.2%.
At the monthly level, the value of industrial production decreased in consumer goods industries (by 3.6%), in capital goods industries (by 2.0%) and in intermediate goods industries (by 0.2%).
Compared to November 2023, the total value of industrial production went down by 0.8%. It was lower in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (by 17.2%), but higher in mining and quarrying (by 26.1%) and in manufacturing (by 1.0%).
Turnover in industry slightly down
Total turnover in industry was lower at the monthly level by 0.5%. Turnover decreased in manufacturing by 0.7%, but increased in mining and quarrying by 20.6%. In the non-domestic market it went down by 0.8% and in the domestic market up by 0.9%.
At the annual level, total turnover in industry stagnated. It was higher in mining and quarrying, but lower in manufacturing.
The value of stocks up
The value of stocks in industrial production in November was 0.4% higher than in the previous month and 8.6% higher than a year ago.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
The total value of industrial production was 1.4% lower than in October. In manufacturing it was down by 1.5%, while in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply it was up by 2.0% and in mining and quarrying by 0.2%.
At the monthly level, the value of industrial production decreased in consumer goods industries (by 3.6%), in capital goods industries (by 2.0%) and in intermediate goods industries (by 0.2%).
Compared to November 2023, the total value of industrial production went down by 0.8%. It was lower in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (by 17.2%), but higher in mining and quarrying (by 26.1%) and in manufacturing (by 1.0%).
Turnover in industry slightly down
Total turnover in industry was lower at the monthly level by 0.5%. Turnover decreased in manufacturing by 0.7%, but increased in mining and quarrying by 20.6%. In the non-domestic market it went down by 0.8% and in the domestic market up by 0.9%.
At the annual level, total turnover in industry stagnated. It was higher in mining and quarrying, but lower in manufacturing.
The value of stocks up
The value of stocks in industrial production in November was 0.4% higher than in the previous month and 8.6% higher than a year ago.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Industrial production indices, Slovenia
1) In the trend-cycle component the most recent data are unreliable (the end-point problem).
Value of industrial production, Slovenia
Value of turnover in industry, Slovenia
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Value of stocks in industrial production, Slovenia
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Data are seasonally adjusted. To eliminate seasonal effects, models are used that are independent for each time series. Time series are directly seasonally adjusted.
Original data for the last 6 months are provisional. With each release, the data for this period can be corrected and supplemented with new data. The data published for the seventh time become final.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
Original data for the last 6 months are provisional. With each release, the data for this period can be corrected and supplemented with new data. The data published for the seventh time become final.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.