Transport, December 2024

Slightly more goods handled in the port

Over a half of all first-time registered passenger cars were new. Compared to December 2023, 5% fewer goods vehicles entered or exited Slovenia through road border crossings. 1.7 million tonnes of goods, 1% less than a year ago, were handled in the Port of Koper.

  • 14 February 2025 at 10:30
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  • final data
  • Nataša Gostiša, Janez Čampa, Mateja Kos, Barbara Žitnik
  • |
  • Data inquiry
More new passenger car registrations

In December 2024, 7,700 road motor vehicles were registered in Slovenia for the first time, or about 3% more than a year before. Of these, 5,800 passenger cars (0.2% fewer) were registered for the first time. Of these, more than a half (3,200) were new ones, which was 15% more than a year before.

Fewer goods vehicles at road border crossings

5.4 million passenger vehicles entered or exited Slovenia through road border crossings, 1% more than in December 2023. 1.1 million goods vehicles crossed the border, which was 5% fewer.

More goods handled at the airport

85,700 passengers departed from or arrived at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, which was 2% fewer year-on-year, and 1,100 tonnes of goods were handled which was 4% more.

More goods handled in the port

276 ships arrived in or departed from Slovenian ports, which was 7% fewer than a year ago. Of all ships, 5 were for the transport of passengers. 155 passengers were counted or 12% more.

1.7 million tonnes of goods were handled in the Port of Koper, which was 1% more. In December 2024, liquid bulk cargo was only unloaded. There were 324,000 tonnes of it on arriving ships, which was 9% less compared to the same month last year.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Port traffic of goods, port Koper, Slovenia
Port traffic of goods, port Koper, Slovenia
The selected data of transport, Slovenia
Dec 2024Jan–Dec 2024Dec 2024
Dec 2023
Jan–Dec 2024
Jan–Dec 2023
number% change
Road transport
Road cross-border traffic of passenger vehicles (1,000)5,427.176,764.81.10.6
Road cross-border traffic of goods vehicle (1,000)1,105.717,612.2-4.92.5
Road motor vehicles, registered for the first time7,664129,6673.16.3
Passenger cars, registered for the first time5,82292,326-0.26.0
New passenger cars, registered for the first time3,19852,53315.08.4
Maritime transport
Goods (1,000 t)1,697.821,777.12.53.0
Airport traffic
Passengers (1,000)85.71,437.7-1.913.3
Goods (1,000 t)
At the time of this release some inconsistencies were detected in the administrative sources, which is why the data for December on urban and interurban public scheduled road passenger transport and railway passenger transport have not been published. Data on urban and interurban public scheduled road passenger transport will be published in the SiStat Database as soon as they are available.

Data on port traffic published by SURS differ from the data published by ports in their reports. The differences are due to the use of different methodologies (different data sources, tare consideration, etc.).

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations on road public scheduled traffic, registered road vehicles, road border crossingsroad goods transport, railway transport, air transport, and maritime transport and port traffic.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.