Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, detailed data, 2024

Last year more tourist arrivals and overnight stays than in 2023 as previously the most successful year

Last year was the most successful for Slovenian tourism so far; overnight stays were up by 5% over 2023, the previous most successful year, and by 7% compared to 2019. Almost 6.6 million tourists visited Slovenia, and generated almost 16.9 million overnight stays, the largest number in August.

  • 18 March 2025 at 10:30
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  • final data
Fewer domestic and 7% more foreign tourists

Last year, domestic tourists generated just over 1.5 million arrivals, about the same number as the year before, and 4.5 million overnight stays (27% of all), which was 2% fewer than in 2023, and 2% more than in 2019.

Foreign tourists generated 73% of all overnight stays last year. They generated almost 5 million arrivals, which was 9% more than in the previous year, and just under 12.4 million overnight stays, which was 7% more than the year before and 9% more than in 2019.

The average length of tourists' stays was very similar to the previous year, 2.6 nights.


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Strengthening of both key and distant markets

Similar to the year before, the largest number of foreign tourists came from Germany (almost 2 million or 16% of all foreign overnight stays). The most represented age group was 55–64 years (with the average length of stay 2.6 nights). Overall, they spent the largest number of their overnight stays (a third of all their stays in 2024) in municipalities Ljubljana, Piran and Bovec.
Tourists from Italy generated 9% of all foreign overnight stays, with the largest number recorded in municipality Ljubljana. 23% of all their overnight stays last year were generated there. Piran and Nova Gorica ranked second and third. The most represented age group was 45–54 years, the average length of stay in this age group being 2 nights.  

They were followed by tourists from Austria. With 1 million overnight stays they generated 8% of all foreign overnight stays. The most represented age group was 65+ years, the average length of stay in this age group was 3.1 nights and was the longest among all their age groups. Piran was the most visited municipality (27% of all their overnight stays in 2024), followed by Moravske Toplice and Ljubljana.

All of the top five key markets recorded an increase in the number of overnight stays over the previous year. The biggest growth was recorded among tourists from Croatia (by 13%), followed by Austria, Czechia and Germany (by 4% each) and Italy (by 2%). Tourists from more distant markets are also returning to Slovenia. In 2024, more than 20% growth compared to the year before was recorded for tourists from China, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand and Brazil.


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In Ljubljana, the biggest growth of overnight stays 

As regards the types of municipalities, 3% more overnight stays than a year earlier were recorded in mountain resorts. Almost 5.2 million overnight stays was 31% of all. The most overnights were generated in Bled, Kranjska Gora and Bohinj, 57%. 

In health (spa) resorts a fifth of all overnight stays were generated, 4% more than a year earlier. In Brežice, the most visited municipality in health (spa) resorts, a fifth of all these overnight stays were generated. Domestic tourists generated 40% of their overnight stays in these municipalities. 

In seaside resorts 19% of all overnight stays were generated, 3% more than a year earleier. In Piran, the most visited municipality in seaside resorts, the majority (59%) of all these overnight stays were generated. 

Ljubljana remains the most visited municipality in Slovenia. Last year, 15% of all overnight stays were generated there, which was 13% more than the year before and 16% more than in 2019. The capital was also the most visited among foreign tourists. They generated a fifth of all their overnight stays in Ljubljana with the average length of stay being 2 nights.

Among all Slovenian municipalities, last year, too, domestic tourists spent the largest number of nights in two municipalities by the sea – Piran and Izola, followed by three health (spa) resort municipalities – Brežice, Moravske Toplice and Podčetrtek. Kranjska Gora, which was third in terms of the number of overnight stays the year before, ranked sixth last year.


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More indivisible units and permanent bed places available to tourists than in previous years 

Tourists spent almost 7.3 million overnight stays in hotels or 43% of the total. They were followed by private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings (24%) and camping sites (14%). In these accommodations, more overnight stays were recorded than the year before: in private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings 7% more, and in hotels and camping sites 5% more. 

In 2024, 68,100 indivisible units were available to tourists, which is 1% more than the year before and 5% more than in 2019. There were 182,000 permanent bed places were available to tourists, which is 2% more than the year before and 8% more than in 2019. The largest number of these bed places (33%) was available in private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings, followed by hotels with 23% and camping sites with 17%.

As regards types of municipalities, the largest number of permanent bed places was available to tourists in mountain resorts, 64,300 or 35%, of which 40% were available in private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings, 24% in camping sites and 12% in hotels.

More women among domestic tourists, more men among foreign tourists

Last year, 51% of overnight stays in Slovenia were generated by male tourists and 49% by female tourists. Both generated the largest share of overnight stays in the age group 35–44 years (17% of all overnight stays by male tourists and 16% of overnight stays by female tourists), followed by age group 45–54 for both sexes and by age group 25–34 years for male tourists and 65+ for female tourists.

There were also more men than women among foreign tourists; men generated 52% of all overnight stays. The most represented age group was 35–44 years (18%), followed by age groups 45–54 years (17%) and 25–34 years (16%).

As regards domestic tourists, 52% of all overnight stays were generated by women. The most represented age group was 65+ years (22% of all their overnight stays), followed by age groups 7–14 years (16%) and 55–64 years (15%).

Interesting fact: In 2024, most arrivals of domestic and foreign tourists in mid-August

According to the experimental statistics Daily Tourism Flow in Slovenia, last year the largest number of domestic tourist arrivals was recorded on Thursday, 15 August (11,600 or 6% of all their arrivals in August), the largest number in municipality Piran. The largest number of foreign tourist arrivals was recorded on Saturday, 10 August (41,100 or 4% of all their arrivals in August), the largest number in the capital.

More detailed monthly and annual data for 2024 are available in the SiStat Database.
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, Slovenia, 2024
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
growth rate
growth rate
  from Germany722,7303.11,965,1223.8
  from Italy522,8162.61,097,5051.7
  from Austria420,2445.21,016,2133.9
  from Croatia334,72217.2700,53912.7
  from Czechia239,2512.7684,1883.8
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities and by key tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia, 2024
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
growth rate
growth rate
Types of tourist municipalities
  health (spa) resorts969,6764.33,294,3604.0
  mountain resorts2,025,9884.55,160,5433.0
  seaside resorts987,0953.43,153,5752.6
  Ljubljana, the capital1,276,45514.62,590,89812.7
  urban municipalities517,7844.11,043,914-1.9
  other municipalities806,2766.11,609,7856.6
Tourist accomm. establishments
  private accommodations - rented rooms, dwellings1,415,5809.04,015,1357.1
  camping sites834,2495.52,370,3365.4
  overnight accommodations236,88215.4530,35013.9
  youth hostels241,681-4.5526,567-4.4
Data are not seasonally and calendar adjusted.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.