Livestock slaughter in slaughterhouses, Slovenia, 2016
In 2016 about 5,000 cattle more was slaughtered in Slovene slaughterhouses than in 2015
In 2016 about 1,400 horses, 117,000 cattle, 258,000 pigs, 10,000 sheep, 700 goats, 14,000 rabbits and 36,000,000 poultry were slaughtered in Slovene slaughterhouses.
Compared to 2015, in 2016 the total slaughter in Slovenia was about 1,400 horses (about 2% or about 30 animals more at the annual level), about 258,000 pigs (about 8 % which is as in the previous year or about 18,000 animals more at the annual level), about 10,000 sheep (about 8% more or about 700 animals more at the annual level), about 700 goats (about 16% more or about 100 animals more at the annual level), about 14,000 rabbits (about 25% more or about 3,000 animals more at the annual level) and about 36,000,000 poultry (exactly 8% more or about 2,700,000 animals more at the annual level). In the same comparison the number of slaughtered cattle was 117,000, which is an increase by about 4% (or about 5,000 animals).
Changes in total carcass weight follow the changes in the shares of the number of slaughtered animals in 2016.
Detailed data and comments are available in the attachments.
Table 1: Livestock slaughter in slaughterhouses, Slovenia
Data on the slaughter of animals in large slaughterhouses are collected with monthly reports sent by slaughterhouses. Data on the slaughter of animals in smaller slaughterhouses are acquired from the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection (AFSVPP). Data on bovine slaughter are acquired from the Bovine Administrative Register (BAR), which is kept by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF).