Expenditure for Formal Education, Slovenia, 2017

Public expenditure on formal education in 2017, as in 2016, accounted for 4.8% of GDP.

Public expenditure for formal education amounted to EUR 2.056 billion in 2017; Compared to 2016, it increased in real terms (by 4.6%) and its share in GDP was at the level of the previous year.

  • 20 December 2018 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data

In 2017, public expenditure for formal education in Slovenia amounted to EUR 2.056 billion

Public expenditure for formal education in 2017 amounted to EUR 2,056 million or 4.8% of GDP.
One fifth (21%) of total public expenditure was expenditure of the local government (municipalities) and the rest was central government expenditure. The majority of education expenditure in municipalities is intended for pre-school education (kindergartens). In 2017 municipalities contributed 92% of all public funds for this level of education.
95.7% of total public expenditure was allocated directly to educational institutions, while 4.3% was public transfers to households and other private entities.

Total, public, private and international expenditure on educational institutions in 2017 amounted to 5.3% of GDP

In 2017 EUR 2,281 million was spent for educational institutions. Compared to 2016, total expenditure on educational institutions increased by 5.7% in nominal terms and by 4.3% in real terms.
86% of expenditure for educational institutions was public expenditure, 13% was private expenditure and 1% was funds from international sources. The share of private expenditure was the highest in pre-school education (23%), while the share of resources from international sources was the highest in tertiary education (4.5%).
The structure of total expenditure for educational institutions by level of education was similar to that of previous years: expenditure on pre-primary education accounted for 20.1% (kindergartens: 1st age period 7.2%, 2nd age period 12.9%), for basic education 43.5%, for upper secondary education 16.9%, and for tertiary education 19.5% (of which 0.7% for short cycle higher vocational education and 18.8% for higher education).

Educational institutions spent EUR 2.3 billion on current and capital expenditure in 2017

Current expenditure of educational institutions in 2017 amounted to EUR 2,164 million or 93% of total expenditure (of which 76% was expenditure for wages and salaries); the remaining 7% (EUR 154 million) was capital expenditure. In the structure of spending of educational institutions capital expenditure was one percentage point higher than in the previous year.

Structure of total expenditure for educational institutions by level of education, Slovenia, 2017
Structure of total expenditure for educational institutions by level of education, Slovenia, 2017
Source: SURS
Public expenditure for formal education, Slovenia
Levels of
1.000 EUR%% of GDP1)1.000 EUR%% of GDP1)
  1st age period117,2996.10.3125,4656.10.3
  2nd age period210,67010.90.5225,32311.00.5
  higher vocational
Not allocated1,1670.10.03,0720.10.0
1) Public expenditure for formal education as percentage of GDP is calculated on the basis of the last available data on GDP (First Release; 31 August 2018; https://www.stat.si/StatWeb/News/Index/7625).
2) The total does not add up due to rounding.
Source: SURS
Expenditure for educational institutions, Slovenia, 2017
Levels of
totalpublic expenditureprivate expenditurefounds from
international agencies
1.000 EUR
  1st age period163,671125,46538,17136
  2nd age period293,939225,32368,55165
  higher vocational
Not allocated3,0723,072......
… not available
1) The total does not add up due to rounding.
Source: SURS
Expenditure in educational institutions, Slovenia, 2017
Levels of
Purpose of consumption
totalcurrent expenditurecapital expenditure
1.000 EUR
  1st age period165,281155,4759,806
  2nd age period296,829279,21917,610
  higher vocational
Not allocated1,4021,302100
1) The total does not add up due to rounding.
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.