
73% of households in Slovenia could afford holidays in 2018

The main reason for taking a holiday (77%) was relaxation and resting. 

  • 31 July 2019 at 10:30
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Can we afford holidays?

In 2018, 73% of households in Slovenia could afford one-week holidays outside home for all household members, which was 1 p.p. more than in the previous year and the most since we started to collect these data (in 2005). 

As regards the type of household, the share was the highest in households with two adults and at least one dependent child (89%) and the lowest in one person households (56%). Data calculated by household income show that 95% of households with the highest income and only 44% of households with the lowest income could afford holidays. 

As regards statistical regions, the share of households that could afford holidays was the highest in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region (81%) and the lowest in the Pomurska statistical region (61%). 


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Where, how and why do we travel?

In 2018 around 1,222,000 or 69% of residents of Slovenia aged 15 years or more went on at least one private trip. They made around 4,575,000 private trips, namely 7% more than in 2017. The main reason for 84% of these trips was taking a holiday and the main reason for taking a holiday was relaxation and resting (77%). 

In 2018, most private trips (in Slovenia and abroad) were taken in July and August (18% each).


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On the vast majority of private trips (87%) the main means of transport was a passenger road motor vehicle, followed by airplanes (6%) and buses (5%).
The most visited county was Croatia (61% of all private trips made abroad), followed by Italy (7%), Austria (6%), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (5%). In 2016 our respondents were also asked about the type of destination and at that time the destination of more than two thirds of private trips abroad was the seaside. 

How expensive are holidays? 

In 2018 a private trip involved on average 4.5 overnight stays (in Slovenia 2.7 and abroad 5.8). Average daily expenditure on private trips amounted to around EUR 50 per tourist (EUR 40 in Slovenia, EUR 53 abroad). Tourists staying in hotels and similar accommodation establishments spent daily on average the most (EUR 90; EUR 67 in Slovenia, EUR 100 abroad) and tourists staying in their own secondary homes the least (EUR 18; EUR 18 in Slovenia, EUR 19 abroad). 

The prices of package holidays and accommodation services in Slovenia greatly depend on the season. They go up the most in July and August, i.e. during the main tourist season. Package holidays in July and August 2018 were on average more than 30% more expensive than at the end of 2017. In the same comparison accommodation services were more than 10% more expensive. In 2018 an overnight stay in a hotel in Slovenia (breakfast and tourist tax included) cost on average EUR 106 in a single room and EUR 161 in a double room. 

More on tourism travels of domestic population at this link.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.