Exports and imports of goods, Slovenia, December 2019

In 2019 growth in external trade in goods both at exports and imports continued

In the period from January to December 2019 Slovenia’s exports grew by 8.5% and imports by 10.9% over the same period of 2018. In the mentioned period, a deficit in trade in goods was recorded.

  • 7 February 2020 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
Exports and imports in December 2019 higher than in December 2018

Exports in December 2019 amounted to EUR 2.3 billion (up by 4.1% over December 2018) and imports to EUR 2.7 billion (up by 11.2% over December 2018). Compared to the average values of monthly exports and imports in 2018, exports were lower by 8.6% and imports higher by 5.7%.

The December 2019 external trade deficit was the highest deficit of the year, amounting to EUR 356.5 million. December was the sixth month of 2019 with a trade deficit after April, July, August, September and October. The export/import ratio in December 2019 was 86.8%.

External trade in goods with both groups of countries in December 2019 higher than in December 2018

In December 2019 trade in goods grew again both with EU Member States and EU non-member countries. Compared to December 2018, Slovenia's exports to EU Member States were higher by 1.0% (they amounted to EUR 1.7 billion) and imports by 0.6% (they amounted to EUR 1.8 billion).
Slovenia’s exports to EU non-member countries in December 2019 amounted to EUR 0.7 billion and imports to EUR 0.9 billion. Exports to this group of countries were 12.6% higher and imports 43.7% higher than in December 2018.
Slovenia’s external trade in goods in 2019

As in 2018 general growth in external trade in goods was recorded in 2019. Compared to the previous year exports went up by 8.5% and imports by 10.9%. The absolute annual values of exports and imports in 2019 were the highest so far. Exports amounted to EUR 33.5 billion in 2019 and imports amounted to EUR 34.0 billion.

In 2019 a deficit in total external trade in goods amounted to EUR 0.6 billion (with the export/import ratio of 98.3%), while trade surpluses were recorded in the past years. In the year 2019, Slovenia generated a deficit in trade in goods with both groups of countries (EU Member States and non-member countries).

In 2019 Slovenia exported most goods to Germany (18.9% of total exports), followed by Italy (11.6%), Croatia (8.6%), Austria (6.8%) and Switzerland (6.7%). Slovenia also imported most goods from these countries, namely 16.1% from Germany, 14.0% from Italy, 10.0% from Austria, 8.6% from Switzerland and 5.0% from Croatia. Slovenia in 2019 generated 73.7% of all exports (in 2018 77.1%) and 73.0% of all imports (in 2018 78.3%) in trade with EU Member States.

As regards exports, the most important groups in 2019 were road vehicles, medicinal and pharmaceutical products, and electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances. As regards imports, the most important groups were road vehicles, medicinal and pharmaceutical products, and petroleum and petroleum products.

In 2019 the largest share in Slovenia’s trade in goods was represented by transactions involving actual or intended transfer of ownership, which represented as much as 91.8% of trade in goods at exports and 89.3% of trade in goods at imports. Transactions in relation to operations involving processing represented 2.1% of exports and 1.7% of imports. Other transactions without transfer of ownership represented 6.2% of Slovenia’s exports and 9.0% of Slovenia’s imports in 2019.

Monthly values of exports and imports, Slovenia
Monthly values of exports and imports, Slovenia
Source: SURS
Structure of exports by country, Slovenia 2019
Structure of exports by country, Slovenia 2019
Structure of imports by coutry, Slovenia 2019
Structure of imports by coutry, Slovenia 2019
Exports and imports of goods, Slovenia
XII 2019I–XII 2019XII 2019
XII 2018
I–XII 2019
I–XII 2018
1,000 EURindex
EU non-member countries689,3138,812,186112.6124.9
EU non-member countries865,5679,206,231143.7138.3
Trade balance-356,458-563,496-1)-1)
Exports as % of imports86.898.3-1)-1)
1) Not applicable.
Source: SURS
Monthly data for 2019 are provisional. With each First Release the data can be corrected and completed with new data. Final data for 2019 will be published in June 2020.

Groups of products mentioned in the second to last paragraph of the article are groups within the Standard International Trade Classification at the two-digit level.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.