Sentiment indicator, Slovenia, April 2020
Dramatic fall of the sentiment indicator
The impact of the coronavirus also reflected in the sentiment of the economy and the population. Confidence indicators in all sectors and among consumers significantly declined at both annual and monthly levels.
The sentiment indicator at the monthly level significantly lower
The value of the sentiment indicator in April 2020 (at -39.5 percentage points – p.p.) decreased by 35.8 p.p. compared to March 2020 (at -3.7 p.p.). The indicator reached its lowest value in the entire observation period. It fell 39.6 percentage points below the long-term average.
The monthly decrease was influenced by all confidence indicators: in services (by 13.8 p.p.), in manufacturing (by 12.4 p.p.), among consumers (by 6.1 p.p.), in retail trade (by 1.8 p.p.) and in construction (by 1.6 p.p.).
The economic sentiment at the annual level also significantly lower
In April 2020 the sentiment indicator decreased by 46.2 p.p. over April 2019.
The annual decline was influenced by all confidence indicators: in services (by 18.3 p.p.), in manufacturing (by 15.6 p.p.), among consumers (by 8.2 p.p.), in retail trade (by 2.1 p.p.) and in construction (by 1.9 p.p.).