Stereotype: slippers

Breaking the stereotypes: Residents of Slovenia wear slippers at home

This summer SURS is breaking the stereotypes about the residents of Slovenia. Is it true that we do not let guests into our homes unless they put slippers on? Where do we get all these slippers from?

  • 16 August 2021 at 10:30
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  • no status
  • Zala Jakša, Martin Bajželj, Simona Klasinc Rozman, Irena Svetin
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  • Data inquiry

In 2020, Slovenia imported goods worth EUR 32 billion. Of this, EUR 4 million were slippers, i.e. 1.4 million pairs. Most of them were imported from Italy, China and Germany, but also from more "exotic" countries such as Pakistan, Vietnam and Brazil. The number of imported slippers in 2020 was the lowest since 2014.

We cannot confirm or refute the stereotype because we do not know what is going on behind your door. It seems that the residents of Slovenia love the comfort of home and are quite large users of slippers.


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