Air Emissions Accounts, Slovenia, 2019
In 2019 CO2 emissions decreased by 2.1% when compared to 2018
15.7 million tons of CO2 were generated in 2019, which is a 2.1% decrease over the previous year. In that period NOx emissions decreased by 7.3% and particulate matter PM10 emissions by 5.1%.
Slightly less than 30% of CO2 emissions generated in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
In 2019 CO2 emissions decreased by 2.1% when compared to 2018; 15.7 million tons of CO2 were generated in Slovenia in 2019. Compared to the previous year, in 2019 production and service activities generated 2.1% less CO2 emissions, while households generated 2.4% less CO2 emissions. 78.9% of all CO2 emissions were generated in manufacturing and service activities, of which the most in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (29.6% of all CO2 emissions). 21.1% of all CO2 emissions were generated in households, of which the most in transport (17.2% of all CO2 emissions).
64,6% of PM10 emissions were generated in households
13,600 tons of PM10 emissions were generated in 2019 which is a 5.1% decrease over the previous year. In that period the amount of PM10 emissions in manufacturing and service activities increased by 1.3%, while in households it decreased by 8.6%. 35.4% of PM10 emissions were generated in manufacturing and service activities, while 64.6% were generated in households, of which 91.0% in heating in cooling (i.e. 58.8% of all PM10 emissions).
In 2019 N2O emissions almost one tenth higher
Compared to the previous year, in 2019 N2O emissions increased by 9.9%, while CO2 emission from biomass increased by 3.7% and SF6 emissions by 0.3%. Emissions of other greenhouse gases and pollutants monitored by SURS decreased; the highest decrease was recorded in PFC (by 24.3%) and CO (by 11.8%) emissions.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
In 2019 CO2 emissions decreased by 2.1% when compared to 2018; 15.7 million tons of CO2 were generated in Slovenia in 2019. Compared to the previous year, in 2019 production and service activities generated 2.1% less CO2 emissions, while households generated 2.4% less CO2 emissions. 78.9% of all CO2 emissions were generated in manufacturing and service activities, of which the most in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (29.6% of all CO2 emissions). 21.1% of all CO2 emissions were generated in households, of which the most in transport (17.2% of all CO2 emissions).
64,6% of PM10 emissions were generated in households
13,600 tons of PM10 emissions were generated in 2019 which is a 5.1% decrease over the previous year. In that period the amount of PM10 emissions in manufacturing and service activities increased by 1.3%, while in households it decreased by 8.6%. 35.4% of PM10 emissions were generated in manufacturing and service activities, while 64.6% were generated in households, of which 91.0% in heating in cooling (i.e. 58.8% of all PM10 emissions).
In 2019 N2O emissions almost one tenth higher
Compared to the previous year, in 2019 N2O emissions increased by 9.9%, while CO2 emission from biomass increased by 3.7% and SF6 emissions by 0.3%. Emissions of other greenhouse gases and pollutants monitored by SURS decreased; the highest decrease was recorded in PFC (by 24.3%) and CO (by 11.8%) emissions.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
CO2 emissions, Slovenia
1) Other NACE industries: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A), Mining and quarrying (B), Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (E) and service activities (F-S), excluding transportation and storage (H)
Source: SURS
PM10 emissions, Slovenia
Source: SURS
Emissions and the growth index, Slovenia
1) Data on CO2 emissions from biomass are shown seperately, since the international organizations do not add them to amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. 2) In CO2 equivalents. Source: SURS |
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.