Persons employed in formal education, Slovenia, school year 2015/16

Persons employed in formal education, Slovenia, school year 2015/16

In the 2015/16 school year, 24,000 teachers were employed in elementary and upper secondary schools in Slovenia. Only one in six was a man.  

  • 28 September 2017 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data

88% of persons employed in formal education are teachers

In the 2015/16 school year, 20,118 persons were employed in elementary schools; 891 of them were management personnel, 728 were advisors and 776 were other professional personnel. The majority of persons employed were teachers (17,723). These numbers represent persons employed in youth and adult education. Due to the changes in the survey methodology (transition from gathering data with a questionnaire to the use of administrative data sources), we can no longer show the data separately.

Elementary school teachers are mostly women

Women are over-represented among teachers in elementary schools (only 12% of teachers are men). The ratio of women is even higher among advisors, where men represent only 4% of the population. Somewhat more men are managers (one in four). 95.5% of teachers have 2nd cycle of higher education, while 4.3% have 1st cycle of higher education. We can say that in elementary schools there are no teachers with inadequate education.

40% of management personnel in upper secondary schools are men

In the 2015/16 school year, 7,469 persons were employed in upper secondary schools for youth and adults; 6,290 of them were teachers, 332 were management personnel, 238 were advisors and 609 were other professional personnel.

As is the case with elementary schools, upper secondary schools also have over-representation of women teachers (33.6% of teachers are men). Men are better represented in management personnel (40%). The men to women ratio in advisors and other professional personnel in upper secondary schools is the same as in elementary schools.

10% of teachers are younger than 35 years and almost 44% are older than 50 years.

Chart 1: Number of teachers in basic and upper secondary schools by sex, Slovenia, school year 2015/16
Chart 1: Number of teachers in basic and upper secondary schools by sex, Slovenia, school year 2015/16
Table 1: Professional staff in elementary schools for youth and adults, school year 2015/16, Slovenia
Professional staff
Management staff8912306612674
Other professional support7762255512971
Source: SURS
Table 2: Professional staff in upper secondary schools for youth and adults, school year 2015/16, Slovenia
Professional staff
Management staff3321381944258
Other professional support6091904193169
Source: SURS

This year we began to gather the data from administrative sources (ISPAP, SRDAP). The methodology is mostly unchanged, so the data are still comparable with the data from the previous years. However, in some cases, due to the discrepancies in the methodology, the data are not completely comparable with the previous data (a note will be given for such data). The data cannot be separated by youth or adult schools and most of the data cannot be shown at the same level of detail as in the previous years.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.