Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, June 2022
A third of overnight stays in the first half of this year generated in June
In the first summer month of this year tourist accommodation establishments recorded 795,000 tourist arrivals and 2 million overnight stays, almost twice as many as a year ago. Tourists spent most nights in the municipality of Piran, followed by municipalities Ljubljana, Bled and Bohinj.
More than a million overnight stays by foreign tourists
Tourist accommodation establishments in Slovenia recorded more than 351,000 domestic tourist arrivals and 879,000 of their overnight stays, which is a quarter more than in June last year.
Foreign tourists generated 444,000 arrivals and almost 1.1 million overnight stays, approaching very close to pre-pandemic values.
A quarter of all foreign overnight stays generated by tourists from Germany
Foreign tourists generated 56% of all overnight stays. The largest number of these stays was generated by tourists from Germany (almost 272,900). They were followed by tourists from Austria (102,700 or 9%), Italy (6%), Hungary and Czechia (5% from each).
A third of tourist overnight stays in mountain resorts
As regards the types of municipalities, the largest number of tourist overnight stays was recorded in mountain resorts (632,300 or 32% of all overnight stays), followed by seaside resorts (almost 432,100 or 22%), health (spa) resorts (18%), other municipalities (12%), Ljubljana (10%) and urban municipalities (6%).
The most popular accommodation establishment type is hotels
Tourists generated the largest number of overnight stays in hotels (almost 738,700 or 37% of all overnight stays), followed by private accommodations – rented rooms, dwellings (24%) and camping sites (18%).
Tourist accommodation establishments in Slovenia recorded more than 351,000 domestic tourist arrivals and 879,000 of their overnight stays, which is a quarter more than in June last year.
Foreign tourists generated 444,000 arrivals and almost 1.1 million overnight stays, approaching very close to pre-pandemic values.
A quarter of all foreign overnight stays generated by tourists from Germany
Foreign tourists generated 56% of all overnight stays. The largest number of these stays was generated by tourists from Germany (almost 272,900). They were followed by tourists from Austria (102,700 or 9%), Italy (6%), Hungary and Czechia (5% from each).
A third of tourist overnight stays in mountain resorts
As regards the types of municipalities, the largest number of tourist overnight stays was recorded in mountain resorts (632,300 or 32% of all overnight stays), followed by seaside resorts (almost 432,100 or 22%), health (spa) resorts (18%), other municipalities (12%), Ljubljana (10%) and urban municipalities (6%).
The most popular accommodation establishment type is hotels
Tourists generated the largest number of overnight stays in hotels (almost 738,700 or 37% of all overnight stays), followed by private accommodations – rented rooms, dwellings (24%) and camping sites (18%).
More than six million tourist overnight stays in the first half of the year
From the beginning of January to the end of June, Slovenia was visited by around 2.3 million tourists, who generated slightly more than 6 million overnight stays, which is approximately 4.3 million more than in the same period last year. The largest number of overnight stays were generated in the municipality of Ljubljana (729,400), followed by municipalities Piran (703,300), Kranjska Gora (402,700) and Bled (325,300).
In the first half of the year, domestic tourists generated 2.8 million overnight stays or 47% of all overnight stays and foreign 3.2 million or 53% of all. Domestic tourists generated most of their overnight stays in the municipality of Piran and foreign in Ljubljana.
From the beginning of January to the end of June, Slovenia was visited by around 2.3 million tourists, who generated slightly more than 6 million overnight stays, which is approximately 4.3 million more than in the same period last year. The largest number of overnight stays were generated in the municipality of Ljubljana (729,400), followed by municipalities Piran (703,300), Kranjska Gora (402,700) and Bled (325,300).
In the first half of the year, domestic tourists generated 2.8 million overnight stays or 47% of all overnight stays and foreign 3.2 million or 53% of all. Domestic tourists generated most of their overnight stays in the municipality of Piran and foreign in Ljubljana.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, Slovenia1)
1) Data for June 2022 are provisional.
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, Slovenia1)
1) Data for June 2022 are provisional. |
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities and by tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia1)
1) Data for June 2022 are provisional. |
Final data on tourist arrivals and overnight stays for June 2022 will be published on 25 August 2022 in the SiStat Database.
Data are not seasonally adjusted.
Persons coming to Slovenia from Ukraine, who are accommodated in accommodation establishments appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance to International Protection Act (OJ RS, No.16/17 – official consolidated text and 54/21), are not obliged to pay the tourist taxes in line with the Promotion of Tourism Development Act (OJ RS, No. 13/18). Therefore, their overnight stays are not a part of accommodation statistics.
From January 2022 on, an updated classification of types of tourist municipalities is being used. The municipality of Krško is now classified under urban municipalities (and no longer under other municipalities). Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
Data are not seasonally adjusted.
Persons coming to Slovenia from Ukraine, who are accommodated in accommodation establishments appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance to International Protection Act (OJ RS, No.16/17 – official consolidated text and 54/21), are not obliged to pay the tourist taxes in line with the Promotion of Tourism Development Act (OJ RS, No. 13/18). Therefore, their overnight stays are not a part of accommodation statistics.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.