Waste, 3rd quarter 2022

Over three quarters of municipal waste collected separately

Compared to the previous quarter, approximately the same amount of waste was collected, but the share of waste planned for recycling decreased. The share of separately collected municipal waste went up.

  • 6 December 2022 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
Most of the separately collected municipal waste is biological

In total, 2.5 million tonnes of all types of waste were collected in the 3rd quarter of 2022. The majority was mineral waste (78.7%). Municipal waste accounted for 10.3% of all collected waste or 125 kg per person.

The largest share of collected municipal waste was mixed municipal waste (a quarter), which is more difficult to recycle, so most of it ends up in landfills or incinerators. 75.1% of municipal waste was collected separately, of which 55,000 tonnes of biodegradable waste (waste from gardens and parks is also included), 42,000 tonnes of paper and paper packaging, 35,000 tonnes of mixed packaging, 16,000 tonnes of wood and wooden packaging and 13,000 tonnes of glass. The remaining amount was divided among other types of municipal waste (e.g. bulky waste, other types of packaging, etc.).

31,000 tonnes of hazardous waste were collected (1.2% of the total). In addition, 556 tonnes of waste grave candles were collected separately.

In total, around 7.2 million tonnes of all types of waste were collected in the three quarters of this year, of which 771,000 tonnes were municipal. 74.3% of the latter was collected separately.

The share of recycled waste lower

In total, about 1.7 million tonnes of waste was planned for treatment by final procedures, of which around 58% for backfilling, 40% for recycling and 2% for (co)incineration with energy recovery.

Compared to the previous quarter, 17% less waste was planned for recycling, and 24% less for backfilling (with approximately the same amount collected waste in total), but the amount planned for other treatment and pretreatment procedures (e.g. sorting, biological stabilization) was 38% higher. Some of this waste is treated by final procedures during further treatment.

In total, 100,000 tonnes of waste was planned for final disposal. Half was planned for landfill cover, landfill construction and permanent storage. Almost 43,000 tonnes of waste, of which 38% was municipal waste, was planned for disposal in landfills.

In total, in the three quarters of this year, around 5.6 million tonnes of waste was planned for treatment by final procedures, of which 3.4 million tonnes for backfilling and 2.1 million tonnes for recycling. The rest (approximately 100,000 tonnes) was incinerated for energy recovery. Around 300,000 tonnes of waste was disposed by final treatment, of which 125,000 tonnes was landfilled.

Table with the latest data is available in the SiStat Database.
Separately collected municipal waste, Slovenia
Separately collected municipal waste, Slovenia
Share of collected municipal waste, Slovenia, 3rd quarter
Share of collected municipal waste, Slovenia, 3rd quarter
Waste flow, Slovenia
IV–VI 2022VII–IX 2022 VII–IX 2022 
IV–VI 2022
Collected waste2,603,0462,555,96598
  of which municipal265,189262,59799
Planned for recovery2,172,2481,715,22179
  of which for recycling821,227680,12683
  of which for backfilling1,317,2831,002,75176
Planned for disposal99,952100,173100
  of which for landfilling41,51142,854103
Recovery and disposal of waste include amounts of waste planned for final treatment operations.
Data for the year 2022 are provisional and can be corrected and supplemented with new data.
Data for 2022 are provisional and can be corrected and supplemented with new data.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.