Earnings of persons in paid employment by legal persons, January 2025
Average earnings lower than earnings for December 2024 but higher than earnings for January 2024
Compared to earnings for December 2024, average gross earnings for January 2025 were lower, in nominal terms by 12.1% and in real terms by 11.7%. Such a decrease was mainly due to lower extra payments, such as 13th month payments and Christmas bonuses.
Gross: EUR 2,464.35, net: EUR 1,569.12
Average gross earnings for January 2025 amounted to EUR 2,464.35. Compared to earnings for December 2024, they were lower, in nominal terms by 12.1% and in real terms by 11.7%. Average net earnings amounted to EUR 1,569.12. Compared to earnings for December 2024, they were lower in nominal terms by 14.1% and in real terms by 13.8%. The decrease in average earnings was mainly due to lower extra payments (13th month payments and Christmas bonuses); the share of these payments in the total mass of gross earnings paid was only 0.2% for the earnings for January, but 12.8% for the earnings for December.
Compared to earnings for January of the previous year, average earnings were higher, gross earnings in nominal terms by 6.9% (net earnings by 6.7%) and in real terms by 4.8% (net earnings by 4.6%).
Average earnings in both sectors lower than earnings for December 2024 but higher than earnings for January 2024
Compared to earnings for December 2024, average gross earnings decreased in both sectors – in the private sector by 15.7% and in the public sector by 5.0% (in both mainly due to lower extra payments). In the institutional sector general government, which is a part of the public sector, average gross earnings were about the same as earnings for December 2024.
Compared to earnings for January of the previous year, average gross earnings increased in both sectors – in the private sector by 5.0% and in the public sector by 10.2% (in the institutional sector general government they went up by 11.1%). A more significant increase in earnings in the public sector is related, among other things, to the introduction of a reformed public sector wage system, which came into effect on 1 January 2025.
The highest in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
On average, the highest earnings for January were received in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (EUR 3,441.73 gross and EUR 2,113.18 net), and the lowest in administrative and support service activities (EUR 1,781.42 gross and EUR 1,170.08 net).
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Average gross earnings for January 2025 amounted to EUR 2,464.35. Compared to earnings for December 2024, they were lower, in nominal terms by 12.1% and in real terms by 11.7%. Average net earnings amounted to EUR 1,569.12. Compared to earnings for December 2024, they were lower in nominal terms by 14.1% and in real terms by 13.8%. The decrease in average earnings was mainly due to lower extra payments (13th month payments and Christmas bonuses); the share of these payments in the total mass of gross earnings paid was only 0.2% for the earnings for January, but 12.8% for the earnings for December.
Compared to earnings for January of the previous year, average earnings were higher, gross earnings in nominal terms by 6.9% (net earnings by 6.7%) and in real terms by 4.8% (net earnings by 4.6%).
Average earnings in both sectors lower than earnings for December 2024 but higher than earnings for January 2024
Compared to earnings for December 2024, average gross earnings decreased in both sectors – in the private sector by 15.7% and in the public sector by 5.0% (in both mainly due to lower extra payments). In the institutional sector general government, which is a part of the public sector, average gross earnings were about the same as earnings for December 2024.
Compared to earnings for January of the previous year, average gross earnings increased in both sectors – in the private sector by 5.0% and in the public sector by 10.2% (in the institutional sector general government they went up by 11.1%). A more significant increase in earnings in the public sector is related, among other things, to the introduction of a reformed public sector wage system, which came into effect on 1 January 2025.
The highest in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
On average, the highest earnings for January were received in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (EUR 3,441.73 gross and EUR 2,113.18 net), and the lowest in administrative and support service activities (EUR 1,781.42 gross and EUR 1,170.08 net).
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia
When calculating the growth rates of average gross and net earnings compared to earnings for individual periods of 2024, data on average earnings calculated from the REK-O form are used as the basis for the comparison for all comparison periods in 2024.
With the data on earnings for January 2025 and on, we will no longer publish the table Estimated number of persons employed by budget users, who received the difference to the minimum wage, by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly in the SiStat database due to the introduction of a reformed public sector wage system, which stipulates that no person in paid employment may have earnings lower than the minimum wage at any given time.
Data are not seasonally and calendar adjusted.
During the transition period after SKD 2025 (NACE Rev. 2.1) entering into force, statistical data will still be collected and published according to SKD 2008 (NACE Rev. 2). The transition periods will vary depending on the individual surveys.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
With the data on earnings for January 2025 and on, we will no longer publish the table Estimated number of persons employed by budget users, who received the difference to the minimum wage, by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly in the SiStat database due to the introduction of a reformed public sector wage system, which stipulates that no person in paid employment may have earnings lower than the minimum wage at any given time.
Data are not seasonally and calendar adjusted.
During the transition period after SKD 2025 (NACE Rev. 2.1) entering into force, statistical data will still be collected and published according to SKD 2008 (NACE Rev. 2). The transition periods will vary depending on the individual surveys.
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.