Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, February 2025

In February, the largest number of domestic overnight stays in municipalities Kranjska Gora, Piran and Zreče

In February, accommodation establishments reported almost 298,000 tourist arrivals and almost 795,000 overnight stays, both fewer than a year ago. Domestic tourists spent the largest number of their nights in health (spa) resorts, and foreign in mountain resorts.

  • 25 March 2025 at 10:30
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  • final data
4% fewer tourist overnight stays than in the same month the year before

In February, tourists generated 1% fewer arrivals and 4% fewer overnight stays than in the same month the year before.

Domestic tourists generated 45% of all overnight stays in accommodation establishments. There were just over 119,000 arrivals and just over 357,000 overnight stays, both 5% fewer than in February 2024.

Similar to last February, they spent the largest number of their nights in Kranjska Gora, Piran and Zreče, followed by Bohinj and Brežice. Among these, only Piran recorded more domestic overnight stays (by 23%), while the biggest drop was recorded in Zreče and Bohinj (by 10% in each). The largest number of overnight stays among domestic tourists, more than a fifth, was generated by those in the age group 7–14 years (winter school holidays). The average length of their stay was 3.2 nights.

Foreign tourists generated just over 178,000 arrivals (1% more than in February 2024) and just over 347,000 overnight stays (3% fewer).

They generated 55% of all tourist overnight stays and spent the largest number of their nights in the same municipalities as last year – Ljubljana, Kranjska Gora and Maribor, followed by Bled and Bohinj. While Ljubljana and Maribor recorded slightly more foreign overnight stays than in last February (the former by 1% and the latter by 2%), the largest drop among mentioned was recorded in Kranjska Gora (by 18%). The largest number of overnight stays among foreign tourists, almost a fifth, was generated by those in the age group 35–44 years. The average length of stay for this group was 2.3 nights.

Among foreign tourists those from Croatia ranked first

Similar to February 2024, the largest number of overnight stays among foreign tourists was generated by tourists from Croatia, just over 103,000 or 24% of all foreign overnight stays. The largest number of their overnight stays (18%) was generated in municipality Kranjska Gora. Ljubljana and Bohinj were their second and third most frequent choices.

With almost 49,000 overnight stays (11% of all foreign overnight stays), guests from Austria ranked second. They spent the largest number of their nights in Moravske Toplice (22%), where their average length of stay was 2.7 nights.

With just over 46,000 overnight stays (also 11% of all foreign overnight stays), guests from Italy ranked third. The capital – Ljubljana was most visited (21%), followed by Nova Gorica and Piran.

They were followed by tourists from Serbia, Hungary and Germany.

Compared to February 2024, the number of overnight stays among the mentioned foreign markets increased for tourists from Austria, Croatia and Hungary (by 4% each). On the other hand, it decreased for tourists from Serbia (by 34%), Germany (by 18%) and Italy (by 8%).

More overnight stays in seaside resorts, fewer in health (spa) resorts and mountain resorts

In health (spa) resorts, 31% of tourist overnight stays were recorded. They were followed by mountain resorts with 30%, the capital – Ljubljana with 13% and seaside resorts with 12% of all tourist overnight stays.

Compared to February 2024, the number of tourist overnight stays dropped in mountain resorts (by 8%) and health (spa) resorts (by 6%). In Ljubljana the number remained the same, while in seaside resorts it went up (by 2%). 

In hotels almost the same number of overnight stays

Tourists generated the largest number of overnight stays in hotels (just over 450,000 or 57% of all), followed by private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings (20%) and apartment settlements (5%). The number of overnight stays in hotels went down by 1% and in private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings by 13%.

In first two months about the same number of overnight stays

This year tourist generated almost 592,000 arrivals (4 % fewer than in the same period last year) and almost 1.6 million overnight stays (about the same). Foreign tourists generated 60% of all overnight stays, the largest number tourists from Croatia, followed by tourists from Italy and Austria.

Domestic tourists generated almost 633,000 overnight stays, 3% fewer than in the same period last year and foreign tourists almost 937,000, 3% more than last year.

Interesting fact: The largest number of domestic arrivals at the beginning of winter holidays, from Croatia in the middle

According to the experimental statistics Daily tourism flow in Slovenia, the largest number of domestic arrivals in accommodation establishments was recorded on Friday, 14 January, at the beginning of the first holiday weekend, in Piran. The largest number of arrivals of guests from Croatia was recorded on Saturday, 22 February, in Kranjska Gora.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database. Additionally, every Thursday (or the following work day in the case of holidays) experimental daily data for all days of the previous week will be published in it.
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, Slovenia
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
Feb 25Jan–Feb 25Feb 25
Feb 24
Jan–Feb 25
Jan–Feb 24
Feb 25Jan–Feb 25Feb 25
Feb 24
Jan–Feb 25
Jan–Feb 24
numbergrowth rate (%)numbergrowth rate (%)
  from Croatia44,76995,2869.013.8103,276224,6303.97.7
  from Austria20,51936,9032.86.248,53688,9763.95.9
  from Italy22,80260,060-8.33.346,187136,506-8.43.5
  from Serbia12,53531,071-24.0-2.330,92385,516-33.7-9.9
  from Hungary8,63316,3915.93.023,00945,9903.70.8
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities and tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
Feb 25Jan–Feb 25Feb 25
Feb 24
Jan–Feb 25
Jan–Feb 24
Feb 25Jan–Feb 25Feb 25
Feb 24
Jan–Feb 25
Jan–Feb 24
numbergrowth rate (%)numbergrowth rate (%)
Types of tourist municipalities
  health (spa) resorts78,230154,81692.699.4244,350483,82594.098.4
  mountain resorts80,914159,47599.0100.5235,783474,20292.596.7
  seaside resorts33,60055,547101.4105.593,324154,464102.3104.1
  Ljubljana, the capital53,871116,424103.7112.7106,475228,48599.8107.1
  urban municipalities26,53654,497103.9107.364,012133,217103.2104.6
  other municipalities24,69951,20598.2101.550,721105,27495.099.6
Tourist accomm. establishments
  private accommodations – rented rooms, dwellings54,020106,478-9.0-2.4158,980320,292-12.7-5.9
  apartment settlements12,96624,43427.637.039,92675,77422.930.9
  camping sites10,28819,707-14.3-0.427,67254,287-10.71.3
  vacation establishments8,01715,787-3.7-10.326,69150,898-3.1-6.2
Data are not seasonally and calendar adjusted.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.