Population by settlements, detailed data, Slovenia, 1 January 2018

On 1 January 2018, 2,066,880 residents of Slovenia lived in 5,978 settlements; 57 settlements were unpopulated

On 1 January 2018, 2,066,880 residents of Slovenia lived in 5,978 settlements; 57 settlements were unpopulated. The most densely populated urban settlement was Piran with nearly 5,500 residents per square kilometre.

  • 6 June 2018 at 10:30
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  • final data

Upopulated settlements

On 1 January 2018 there were 6,035 settlements in Slovenia, 57 of which were unpopulated. The largest number of unpopulated settlements was in municipality Kočevje: 17. In 2017 one settlement became unpopulated: Slapnik in municipality Brda had one resident on 1 January 2017, and none at the beginning of 2018.

The most densely populated urban settlement

The most densely populated urban settlement in Slovenia was Piran in the municipality of the same name where an average square kilometre of the settlement's surface area had almost 5,462 residents. If we were to populate the entire surface area of Slovenia this densely, we would need nearly 111 million people.

The most sparsely populated settlement in Slovenia, excluding unpopulated ones, was Lukanja in municipality Slovenska Bistrica, where there was less than 0.1 of a resident living on an average square kilometre of the surface area (or one resident per more than 11 km2). If the entire country was populated this sparsely, it would have just over 1.800 residents.

Settlements without children, settlements without the elderly

Five settlements of at least 30 residents had no residents under 15 years of age. The largest of such settlements was Selo pri Pancah in municipality Ljubljana: all of its 44 residents were aged 15 or more.

There were two settlements without elderly population (aged 65 or older). The larger of these two was Straža pri Krškem in municipality Krško where all 36 residents were under 65 years of age.

New in the SI-STAT database

The SI−STAT database contains the series of data on population of Slovenia by settlements. The data series is completed with data as of 1 January 2018.

Population by size classes of settlements, 1 January 2018
Size classes of settlements by number of population
50,000 +20.0375,58218.2
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.