Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, detailed data, Slovenia, August 2019
Almost 3 million tourist overnight stays in August
Over 1 million arrivals and over 2.9 million overnight stays were recorded in tourist accommodation establishments in August 2019. Compared to August 2018, the number of arrivals increased by 8% and that of overnight stays stayed about the same. Foreign tourists generated 78% of all overnight stays.
More tourist arrivals than in August 2018
1,067,416 tourist arrivals and more than 2.9 million tourist overnight stays were recorded in Slovenia in August 2019. Domestic tourists generated about 188,000 arrivals or 2% more than in August 2018 and about 641,000 overnight stays or 3% fewer than in August 2018. Foreign tourists generated 879,000 arrivals or 9% more than in August 2018 and almost 2.3 million overnight stays or 2% more than in August 2018. Foreign tourists generated 78% of all overnight stays.
The most foreign tourists from Germany
In August 2019 the key markets, from which the most foreign tourists with the most overnight stays in Slovenia came, were Germany (16% or almost 365,000 overnight stays), Italy (13%). the Netherlands (9%), France (6%) and Czechia (almost 6%).
Compared to August 2018, the number of overnight stays increased the most for tourists from Czechia (by 30%), followed by French and German tourists (by 14% each). On the other hand, the number of overnight stays decreased for tourists from the Netherlands and Italy.
The highest number of overnight stays in mountain resorts
In August 2019 the highest number of tourist overnight stays was recorded in mountain resorts (37% or 1.074.552), followed by seaside resorts (21%), health (spa) resorts (16%), and municipality Ljubljana (11%).
Compared to August 2018, the number of overnight stays increased in mountain resorts (by 5%). In municipality Ljubljana and in seaside resorts the number stayed roughly the same. In health (spa) resorts the number of overnight stays dropped compared to August 2018 (by 4%).
More than 956,000 overnight stays in hotels
The highest number of overnight stays was recorded in hotels (33% or more than 956,000), but dropped by 3% compared to August 2018. Regarding overnight stays, hotels were followed by private rooms, apartments and dwellings (25%) and camping sites (22%).
Compared to August 2018, the number of overnight stays in camping sites and in private rooms, apartments and dwellings increased (by 5% in the former and by 3% in the latter).
Compared to August 2018, the number of overnight stays increased the most in overnight accomodations (by 31%), which recorded almost 82,000 overnight stays in August 2019.
Up to the end of August over 11 million overnight stays
In the first eight months of 2019, tourists generated more than 4.5 million arrivals and almost 11.8 million overnight stays or 6% more arrivals and 3% more overnight stays than in the same period of the previous year.
More data in the SiStat Database
More detailed monthly data on tourist arrivals and overnight stays are published in the SiStat Database.
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, August 2019 – final data
Source: SORS |
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of municipalities and by tourist accommodations, August 2019 – final data
Source: SORS |