Deaths, Slovenia, 2019

23 January – the day with most deaths in 2019

In 2019, 20,588 people died or 0.5% more than in 2018. The mean age for men was 73.9 years and for women 82.1 years. A boy born in Slovenia in 2019 can expect to live 78.50 years and a girl 84.22 years.

  • 23 June 2020 at 10:30
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  • final data

Mean age at death for the first time over 78 years

In 2019, 20,588 people died in Slovenia: 10,112 men and 10,476 women. Compared to 2018, the number of deaths was by 103 (0.5%) higher. The crude death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 population) was 9.9.

In 2019, the mean age at death was for the first time over 78 years (78.1 years). For men the mean age at death was 73.9 years and for women 82.1 years. The mean age at death for men is rising faster than the mean age at death for women. In the last ten years the mean age for men increased by 3.8 years and for women by 3.0 years.

Deaths by days and months

Last year on average 56 persons died per day. Usually winter months are the period with the highest number of deaths. In 2019, 38.1% of persons died in winter months (January, February, March and December). The month with most deaths was January (it was the only month in which more than 2,000 people died). The day with most deaths was 23 January with 86 deaths.

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia published in the SiStat Database for the first time data on the number of deaths by days from 2000 on. In April 2020 Eurostat published a new table with data on the weekly number of deaths by the standardised definition of a week (ISO 8601). The purpose of data collection on weekly deaths is to disseminate up-to-date statistical data on mortality. Slovenia has joined countries that provide on a voluntary basis the data on the weekly number of deaths. The data for Slovenia published so far cover the 2000–2018 period. The data for 2019 and provisional data for the first quarter of 2020 will be published by the end of July 2020.

The share of premature mortality is in decline

The share of premature mortality tells how many persons die (in %) before 65 years of age. In 2019, the share of premature mortality was 16.0% and was higher for men (22.4%) than for women (9.8%). The share of premature mortality is declining. Ten years ago (in 2009), the share of premature mortality of men was 30.8% and of women 12.4%.

In 2019, among statistical regions the shares of premature mortality among men were the highest in Posavska (26.8%), Koroška (25.1%) and Pomurska (24.3%). The shares of premature mortality among women were the highest in Podravska (13.0%), Koroška (10.7%) and Osrednjeslovenska (10.5%).

Infant mortality rate one of the lowest among EU-28 Member States

Forty infants died (25 boys and 15 girls) in 2019, which is 2.1 per 1,000 live births. In the last decade, the infant mortality rate has been in decline and is one of the lowest among EU-28 Member States.

Women live longer than men

A boy born in 2019 can expect to live 78.5 years and a girl 84.2 years; the difference is thus 5.7 years. In the past three decades male life expectancy increased by 9.1 years and female life expectancy by 7.0 years.

Natural decrease in 2019

As in 2017 and 2018, natural decrease was recorded also in 2019. 19,328 people were born and 20,588 people died, so natural decrease was –1,260. 

New in the SiStat Database

In the SiStat Database the data on deaths and natural change of population are supplemented with new data for 2019 at different territorial levels.

Deaths, Slovenia
Infant deaths3340
Deaths per 1,000 population9.99.9
Infant mortality per 1,000 live births1.72.1
Mean age at death
Life expectancy at birth
Source: SURS, NIJZ
Natural increase, Slovenia
Live births19,58519,328
Natural increase-900-1,260
Natural increase per 1,000 population-0.4-0.6
Source: SURS, NIJZ
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.