International Women's Day

8 March, International Women's Day

Last year, fewer than half of Slovenia’s residents were women. On average, they were 45.7 years old, and the largest number of them were named Marija. The average age at death in 2023 was 82.6 years. On average, girls born in 2023 could expect to live 84.7 years. 

  • 4 March 2025 at 10:30
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More men than women

At the beginning of last year, Slovenia had a population of 2,123,949. Women represented 49.7% and men 50.3%. In 2023, only three other EU Member States had more men than women: Malta, Sweden and Luxembourg. On 1 January last year, there were 1,055,520 women in Slovenia, which was 2.5% more than when it gained independence in 1991. The number of men increased by 10.1% during this period, mainly due to immigration of foreigners. 

More boys than girls born

In 2021, more than three quarters of women aged 15 or over were mothers. Of these, more than half gave birth to two children. In 2023, women in Slovenia gave birth to the fewest children ever: 16,989. As always, more boys (51.1%) than girls (48.9%) were born. The largest number of boys were named Luka, and of girls Ema. Of all those who gave birth in 2023, 46.4% became mothers for the first time (i.e. gave birth for the first time).

More boys among elementary and upper secondary school pupils, more girls among tertiary education students

On 1 January last year, 48.6% of the population of Slovenia (15+) with the activity status of a pupil or student were girls. In the 2023/24 school year, the largest share of girls (61.6% of all enrolled) was enrolled in general upper secondary programs (gymnasiums). Among the fields of education, the share of girls was the largest (90.8% of all enrolled) in education.

At the beginning of last year, 58.3% of the population (15+) who were students by activity status were women. The most "feminine" field of education was education with women representing 86.5% of students.


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5.7% gender pay gap

In 2023, 44.9% of the 941,292 employed persons were women. The share of women was the largest (97.0%) in the occupational group of preschool educators and assistant educators

In October 2023, the gender pay gap was 5.7%, meaning that average monthly gross earnings of men were on average 5.7% higher than those of women. The difference between men and women was the largest in the occupational group of plant and machine operators, and assemblers, where average monthly gross earnings of men were 18.0% higher than those of women. The difference (4.7% in favour of men) was the smallest among clerical workers

Who is the typical female resident of Slovenia?

At the beginning of last year, the largest number of female residents of Slovenia (44,645) were named Marija. In mid-2024, the mean age of female residents was 45.7 years, while according to 2022 data their average height was 165.4 cm and their average weight 68.7 kg. In 2024, the largest share of women (41.5%) was married. In the same year rated their general life satisfaction on a scale from 0 to 10 with an average score of 7.7.

Important milestones in women's lives

For many years, children in Slovenia have been entering school at the age of six. This, of course, applies to both sexes. Last year, on average, women in Slovenia started their first job at the age of 25.0, and according to 2023 data, on average, they moved away from their parents when they were 27.8 years old. They gave birth to their first child at the age of 29.7, and were married for the first time when they were 30.9 years old. Those who divorced did so at the age of 45.1. On average, women in Slovenia began receiving their old-age pension at the age of 61.9 and died at the age of 82.6. Girls born in 2023 can expect to live 84.7 years. 

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.