Income of the population, Slovenia, 2014 - 2018
Gross and net income of the population the highest in Osrednjeslovenska and the lowest in Pomurska
In 2018, average net income per capita in Slovenia was EUR 9,566.31. In five years it increased nominally by 14% and really by 11%. The average per income recipient was higher and the median was lower. Average income was the highest in Osrednjeslovenska and the lowest in Pomurska.
Income of the population on average higher
Income of the population (average gross and net income per capita and per income recipient, median gross and net income of the population and of the income recipients) increased in the five-year period (2014–2018) in nominal terms between 14.2% (median net income of the income recipients) and 19.4% (median gross income of the income recipients) and in real terms between 11.3% and 16.3%. Compared to the previous year, in 2018, income of the population increased in nominal terms between 5.2% (average net income per capita and per income recipient) and 7.1% (median gross income of the income recipients) and in real terms between 3.4% and 5.3%.
Average gross income per capita in Slovenia in 2018 was EUR 12,461.89. In the five-year period it grew in nominal terms by 15.4% and in real terms by 12.5%. The average per income recipient (EUR 15,416.99) was about 24% higher and the median 22% (median gross income of the income recipients) to 27% (median gross income of the population) lower than the average.
Average gross and net income per capita and per income recipient as well as median gross and net income of the income recipients were all the time (2014-2018) the lowest in the Pomurska statistical region and the highest in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region.
As regards statistical regions, in 2018, the highest average gross income per capita was 11.0% higher than the national average and the lowest was 17.4% lower than the national average. As regards average gross income per income recipient, the difference was slightly smaller: the highest was 12.0% higher than the national average and the lowest was 16.1% lower than the national average.
As regards statistical regions, in 2018, the highest average net income per capita was 8.4% higher than the national average and the lowest was 14.5% lower than the national average. As regards average net income per income recipient, the difference was slightly smaller: the highest was 9.4% higher than the national average and the lowest was 13.1% lower than the national average.
Average gross income per capita was all the time above the national average in Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska statistical regions, and most of the time (except in the last year) in Obalno-kraška, in the last two years also in Jugovzhodna Slovenija and in 2015 in Koroška. Average gross income per income recipient was all the time above the national average in three statistical regions of western Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska and Obalno-kraška) and iin the last two years also in Jugovzhodna Slovenija.
Average net income per capita and per income recipient was all the time above the national average in Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska and Obalno-kraška statistical regions; among the population it was also above the national average in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (for the past two years) and in Goriška (in 2014) and Koroška (in 2015), while among recipients it was also above the national average in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (in 2017).
Median gross income of the income recipients was all the time above the national median in five statistical regions (Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska, Jugovzhodna Slovenija, Primorsko-notranjska and Obalno-kraška), and occasionally (in 2014 and 2018) in Goriška. Median net income of the income recipients was all the time above the national median in six statistical regions: Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska, Jugovzhodna Slovenija, Obalno-kraška, Goriška and Primorsko-notranjska.
Income from work represents the highest share in total gross and net income
The share of income from work in total gross income received in Slovenia in 2018 was 73.5%. It was the highest in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (75.4%) and the lowest in Pomurska (70.5%). The share of pensions in total gross income received in Slovenia was 17.9%. It was the highest in Pomurska (20.8%) and the lowest in Osrednjeslovenska (16.4%). The share of parental, family and social benefits in total gross income received in Slovenia was 5.0%. It was the highest in Pomurska (6.9%) and the lowest in Gorenjska, Goriška and Obalno-kraška (4.4%). The share of property, capital and other income in total gross income received in Slovenia was 3.6%. It was the highest in Osrednjeslovenska (5.3%) and the lowest in Primorsko-notranjska and Pomurska (1.8%).
The share of income from work in total net income received in Slovenia in 2018 was 67.6%. It was the highest in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (69.8%) and the lowest in Pomurska (64.4%). The share of pensions in total net income received in Slovenia was 23.1%. It was the highest in Goriška (26.0%) and the lowest in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (21.4%). The share of parental, family and social benefits in total net income received in Slovenia was 5.8%. It was the highest in Pomurska (7.9%) and the lowest in Gorenjska and Goriška (4.9%). The share of property, capital and other income in total net income received in Slovenia was 3.5%. It was the highest in Osrednjeslovenska (5.3%) and the lowest in Primorsko-notranjska (1.7%).
In the observed five-year period (2014-2018), an upward trend in the share of income from work and a downward trend in the share of pensions, parental, family and social benefits, and property, capital and other income in total (gross and net) income were detected.
Income of the population (average gross and net income per capita and per income recipient, median gross and net income of the population and of the income recipients) increased in the five-year period (2014–2018) in nominal terms between 14.2% (median net income of the income recipients) and 19.4% (median gross income of the income recipients) and in real terms between 11.3% and 16.3%. Compared to the previous year, in 2018, income of the population increased in nominal terms between 5.2% (average net income per capita and per income recipient) and 7.1% (median gross income of the income recipients) and in real terms between 3.4% and 5.3%.
Average gross income per capita in Slovenia in 2018 was EUR 12,461.89. In the five-year period it grew in nominal terms by 15.4% and in real terms by 12.5%. The average per income recipient (EUR 15,416.99) was about 24% higher and the median 22% (median gross income of the income recipients) to 27% (median gross income of the population) lower than the average.
Average net income per capita in Slovenia in 2018 was EUR 9,566.31. In the five-year period it grew in nominal terms by 14.2% and in real terms by 11.3%. The average per income recipient (EUR 11,837.34) was about 24% higher and the median 11% (median net income of the population) to 13% (median net income of the income recipients) lower than the average.
Income of the population the highest in Osrednjeslovenska and the lowest in PomurskaAverage gross and net income per capita and per income recipient as well as median gross and net income of the income recipients were all the time (2014-2018) the lowest in the Pomurska statistical region and the highest in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region.
As regards statistical regions, in 2018, the highest average gross income per capita was 11.0% higher than the national average and the lowest was 17.4% lower than the national average. As regards average gross income per income recipient, the difference was slightly smaller: the highest was 12.0% higher than the national average and the lowest was 16.1% lower than the national average.
As regards statistical regions, in 2018, the highest average net income per capita was 8.4% higher than the national average and the lowest was 14.5% lower than the national average. As regards average net income per income recipient, the difference was slightly smaller: the highest was 9.4% higher than the national average and the lowest was 13.1% lower than the national average.
Average gross income per capita was all the time above the national average in Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska statistical regions, and most of the time (except in the last year) in Obalno-kraška, in the last two years also in Jugovzhodna Slovenija and in 2015 in Koroška. Average gross income per income recipient was all the time above the national average in three statistical regions of western Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska and Obalno-kraška) and iin the last two years also in Jugovzhodna Slovenija.
Average net income per capita and per income recipient was all the time above the national average in Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska and Obalno-kraška statistical regions; among the population it was also above the national average in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (for the past two years) and in Goriška (in 2014) and Koroška (in 2015), while among recipients it was also above the national average in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (in 2017).
Median gross income of the income recipients was all the time above the national median in five statistical regions (Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska, Jugovzhodna Slovenija, Primorsko-notranjska and Obalno-kraška), and occasionally (in 2014 and 2018) in Goriška. Median net income of the income recipients was all the time above the national median in six statistical regions: Osrednjeslovenska, Gorenjska, Jugovzhodna Slovenija, Obalno-kraška, Goriška and Primorsko-notranjska.
Income from work represents the highest share in total gross and net income
The share of income from work in total gross income received in Slovenia in 2018 was 73.5%. It was the highest in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (75.4%) and the lowest in Pomurska (70.5%). The share of pensions in total gross income received in Slovenia was 17.9%. It was the highest in Pomurska (20.8%) and the lowest in Osrednjeslovenska (16.4%). The share of parental, family and social benefits in total gross income received in Slovenia was 5.0%. It was the highest in Pomurska (6.9%) and the lowest in Gorenjska, Goriška and Obalno-kraška (4.4%). The share of property, capital and other income in total gross income received in Slovenia was 3.6%. It was the highest in Osrednjeslovenska (5.3%) and the lowest in Primorsko-notranjska and Pomurska (1.8%).
The share of income from work in total net income received in Slovenia in 2018 was 67.6%. It was the highest in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (69.8%) and the lowest in Pomurska (64.4%). The share of pensions in total net income received in Slovenia was 23.1%. It was the highest in Goriška (26.0%) and the lowest in Jugovzhodna Slovenija (21.4%). The share of parental, family and social benefits in total net income received in Slovenia was 5.8%. It was the highest in Pomurska (7.9%) and the lowest in Gorenjska and Goriška (4.9%). The share of property, capital and other income in total net income received in Slovenia was 3.5%. It was the highest in Osrednjeslovenska (5.3%) and the lowest in Primorsko-notranjska (1.7%).
In the observed five-year period (2014-2018), an upward trend in the share of income from work and a downward trend in the share of pensions, parental, family and social benefits, and property, capital and other income in total (gross and net) income were detected.
Average gross and net income of the population, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2018 (EUR)
Source: SURS
Gross and net income of the population, Slovenia, 2014-2018 (EUR)
Source: SURS |
Gross and net income of the population, cohesion and statistical regions, 2018 (EUR)
Source: SURS |
Structure of net income of the population, Slovenia, 2018 (%)
Source: SURS |
Data by cohesion and statistical regions are published in the SiStat Database: data on Income of the population by register sources (Quality of life - Income, poverty and social exclusion).
Detailed data on income of the population by municipalities are expected to be published in the SiStat Database in early December 2020.
Detailed data on income of the population by municipalities are expected to be published in the SiStat Database in early December 2020.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.