Navajamo pojasnila z definicijami za tiste kazalnike, katerih vrednosti so objavljene v tej publikaciji. Urejena so po poglavjih, v katera so razvrščene tabele.
We state explanations with definitions for those indicators the values of which are published in this publication. They are set by chapters in which tables are arranged.
Naravni prirast je razlika med številom živorojenih otrok in številom umrlih na določenem območju v koledarskem letu:
Natural increase is the difference between the number of live born children and the number of deaths for a given area in the calendar year:
NP = naravni prirast
N = število živorojenih
M = število umrlih
NP = natural increase
N = number of live-births
M = number of deaths
Naravni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med naravnim prirastom v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta na določenem območju, pomnoženo s 1000:
Natural increase per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the natural increase in the calendar year and the same midyear population for a given area, multiplied by 1000:
np = naravni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev
NP = naravni prirast
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija
np = natural increase per 1000 inhabitants
NP = natural increase
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Skupni prirast je seštevek naravnega in selitvenega prirasta na določenem območju v koledarskem letu:
Total increase is the sum of natural increase and net migration for a given area in the calendar year:
SKP = skupni prirast
NP = naravni prirast
SP = selitveni prirast
SKP = total increase
NP = natural increase
SP = net migration
Skupni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med skupnim prirastom v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta na določenem območju, pomnoženo s 1000:
Total increase per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the total increase in the calendar year and the same midyear population for a given area, multiplied by 1000:
skp = skupni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev
SKP = skupni prirast
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija
skp = total increase per 1000 inhabitants
SKP = total increase
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Bruto stopnja obnavljanja prebivalstva za koledarsko leto pomeni povprečno število živorojenih deklic, ki bi jih rodila generacija žensk v svoji rodni dobi (15–49 let), če bi bile njihove starostnospecifične stopnje rodnosti enake kot v opazovanem letu.
Gross reproduction rate for a given year of observation is the average number of live-born girls which a generation of women in their reproductive age (15-49 years) would give birth to if their age-specific fertility rates equal to that in the observed year.
Izračun iz podatkov za živorojene deklice po letih starosti mater in podatkov po letih starosti žensk:
The calculation from the data for live-born girls by age of mothers and the data by age of women:
R = bruto stopnja obnavljanja prebivalstva
Nf, x = število živorojenih deklic, ki so jih rodile matere, stare x let
Pf, x = število žensk v rodni dobi, starih x let
R = gross reproduction rate
N f, x = number of live-born girls given birth by mothers aged x years
Pf, x = number of women in their reproductive age, aged x years
Izračun iz podatkov za živorojene deklice po petletnih starostnih skupinah mater in podatkov po petletnih starostnih skupinah žensk:
The calculation from the data for live-born girls by five-year age groups of mothers and the data by five-year age groups of women:
R = bruto stopnja obnavljanja prebivalstva
5Nf, x = število živorojenih deklic, ki so jih rodile matere, stare od x let do (x + 5) let
5Pf, x = število žensk v rodni dobi, starih od x let do (x + 5) let
R = gross reproduction rate
5Nf, x = number of live-born girls given birth by mothers aged x years to (x+5) years
5Pf, x = number of women in their reproductive age, aged x years to (x+5) years
Neto stopnja obnavljanja prebivalstva za koledarsko leto pomeni povprečno število živorojenih deklic, ki bi jih rodila generacija žensk v svoji rodni dobi (15–49 let), če bi bile njihove starostnospecifične stopnje rodnosti in umrljivosti enake kot v opazovanem letu.
Izračun iz podatkov za živorojene deklice po letih starosti mater in podatkov po letih starosti žensk:
Net reproduction rate for a given year of observation is the average number of live-born girls which a generation of women in their reproductive age (15-49 years) would give birth to if their age-specific fertility and mortality rates remained equal to that in the observed year.
The calculation from the data for live-born girls by age of mothers and the data by age of women:
R0 = neto stopnja obnavljanja prebivalstva
Nf, x = število živorojenih deklic, ki so jih rodile matere, stare x let
Pf, x = število žensk v rodni dobi, starih x let
l f, x = tablično število živih žensk, starih x let
R0 = net reproduction rate
Nf, x = number of live-born girls given birth by mothers aged x years
Pf, x = number of women in their reproductive age, aged x years
I f, x = table number of living women aged x years
Izračun iz podatkov za živorojene deklice po petletnih starostnih skupinah mater in podatkov po petletnih starostnih skupinah žensk:
The calculation from the data for live-born girls by five-year age groups of mothers and the data by five-year age groups of women:
R0 = neto stopnja obnavljanja prebivalstva
5Nf, x = število živorojenih deklic, ki so jih rodile matere, stare od x let do (x + 5) let
5Pf, x = število žensk v rodni dobi, starih od x let do (x + 5) let
l f, x = tablično število živih žensk, starih x let
R0 = net reproduction rate
5Nf, x = number of live-born girls given birth by mothers aged x years to (x+5) years
5Pf, x = number of women in their reproductive age, aged x years to (x+5) years
I f, x = table number of living women aged x year
Živorojeni na 1000 prebivalcev (glej 5. Rojstva) |
Live-births per 1000 inhabitants (see 5. Births)
Sklenitve zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev (glej 8. Sklenitve zakonskih zvez)
Marriages per 1000 inhabitants (see 8. Marriages)
Razveze zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev (glej 9. Razveze zakonskih zvez)
Divorces per 1000 inhabitants (see 9. Divorces)
Umrli na 1000 prebivalcev (glej 10. Smrti)
Deaths per 1000 inhabitants (see 10. Deaths)
Umrli dojenčki na 1000 živorojenih (glej 10. Smrti)
Infant deaths per 1000 live-births (see 10. Deaths)
Starostnospecifična stopnja umrljivosti (glej 10. Smrti)
Age-specific death rate (see 10. Deaths)
Pričakovano trajanje življenja (glej 10. Smrti)
Life expectancy (see 10. Deaths)
Priseljeni na 1000 prebivalcev (glej 11. Selitve)
Immigrants per 1000 inhabitants (see 11. Migration)
Odseljeni na 1000 prebivalcev (glej 11. Selitve)
Emigrants per 1000 inhabitants (see 11. Migration)
Selitveni prirast (glej 11. Selitve)
Net migration (see 11. Migration)
Selitveni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev (glej 11. Selitve)
Net migration per 1000 inhabitants (see 11. Migration)
Povprečna starost oseb ob določenih dogodkih oziroma časovnih presekih je tehtana aritmetična sredina starosti določene skupine prebivalstva. Izračunavamo jo iz absolutnih podatkov. Pri izračunu upoštevamo kot uteži sredine starostnih razredov.
Izračun povprečne starosti prebivalstva iz podatkov po letih starosti:
Mean age of persons at given events or time cross-sections is a weighted arithmetic mean of the age of a given group of population. We calculate it from absolute data. In calculation we take into consideration as weights the means of age classes.
The calculation of mean age of population from the data by age:
x = povprečna starost prebivalstva
x = starost
Px = število prebivalcev, starih x let
x = mean age of population
x = age
Px= number of inhabitants aged x years
Izračun povprečne starosti prebivalstva iz podatkov po petletnih starostnih skupinah:
The calculation of mean age of population from data by five-year age groups:
x = povprečna starost prebivalstva
x = spodnja meja vsake petletne starostne skupine
5Px = število prebivalcev, starih od x let do (x + 5) let
x = mean age of population
x = lower limit of each five-year age group
5Px = number of inhabitants aged x years to (x+5) years
Indeks staranja je razmerje med starim prebivalstvom (starim 65 let in več) in mladim prebivalstvom (starim od 0 let do 14 let), pomnoženo s 100:
Ageing index is the ratio between the old population (aged 65 years and over) and the young population (aged 0-14 years), multiplied by 100:
Ks = indeks staranja
P(65+) = prebivalstvo, staro 65 let in več
P(0-14) = prebivalstvo, staro od 0 let do 14 let
Ks = ageing index
P(65+) = population aged 65 years and over
P(0-14) = population aged 0 to 14 years
Živorojeni na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med številom živorojenih otrok v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000:
Live-births per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the number of live born children in the calendar year and the same midyear population, multiplied by 1000:
n = živorojeni na 1000 prebivalcev
N = število živorojenih
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija
n = number of live-births per 1000 inhabitants
N = number of live-births
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Izračun živorojenih na 1000 prebivalcev v mesecu:
Calculation of live-births per 1000 inhabitants in a month:
n (mes) = živorojeni na 1000 prebivalcev v mesecu
N (mes) = število živorojenih v mesecu
P(kmes) = število prebivalstva konec meseca
i = število dni v mesecu, deljeno s številom dni v letu (npr. 30/365)
n (mes) = live-births per 1000 inhabitants in a month
N (mes) = number of live-births in a month
P (kmes) = number of inhabitants at the end of the month
i = number of days in a month divided by number of days in a year (e.g. 30/365)
Splošna stopnja splošne rodnosti je razmerje med številom živorojenih v koledarskem letu in številom žensk v rodni dobi (15–49 let) sredi istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000:
General fertility rate is the ratio between the number of live born children in the calendar year and the same midyear population of women in reproductive age (15-49 years), multiplied by 1000:
f = splošna stopnja splošne rodnosti
N = število živorojenih
Pf, (15–49), (30.6.) = število žensk v rodni dobi 30. junija
f = general fertility rate
N = number of live-births
Pf, (15-49), (30.6.) = number of women in reproductive age on 30 June
Celotna rodnost je povprečno število živorojenih otrok na eno žensko v rodni dobi (15–49 let) v koledarskem letu.
Total fertility rate is the average number of live born children per one woman in reproductive age (15-49 years) in the calendar year.
Izračunamo jo tako, da seštejemo vse vrednosti starostnospecifičnih stopenj splošne rodnosti v koledarskem letu.
It is calculated by adding all values of age-specific general fertility rates in the calendar year.
Izračun celotne rodnosti iz podatkov po letih starosti:
The calculation of total fertility rate from the data by age:
F = celotna rodnost
fx = starostnospecifična stopnja splošne rodnosti v starosti x let
F = total fertility rate
fx = age-specific general fertility rate for age x
Izračun celotne rodnosti iz podatkov po petletnih starostnih skupinah:
The calculation of total fertility rate from the data by five-year age groups:
F = celotna rodnost
5fx = starostnospecifična stopnja splošne rodnosti v starosti od x let do
(x + 5) let
F = total fertility rate in the calendar year
5fx = age-specific general fertility rate for age x to (x+5) in the calendar year
Starostnospecifična stopnja splošne rodnosti je razmerje med številom živorojenih otrok, ki so jih rodile v koledarskem letu matere določene starosti, in številom žensk te starosti sredi istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000.
Age-specific general fertility rate is the ratio between the number of live born children given birth in the calendar year by mothers aged x years and the midyear population of women of this age, multiplied by 1000.
Izračun starostnospecifične stopnje splošne rodnosti iz podatkov za živorojene otroke po letih starosti mater in podatkov po letih starosti žensk:
The calculation of age-specific general fertility rate from the data for live born children by age of mothers and the data by age of women:
fx = starostnospecifična stopnja splošne rodnosti
Nx = število živorojenih otrok, ki so jih rodile matere, stare x let
Pf, x, (30.6.) = število žensk, starih x let, 30. junija
fx = age-specific general fertility rate
Nx = number of live born children given birth by mothers aged x years
Pf, x, (30.6.) = number of women aged x years on 30 June
Izračun starostnospecifične stopnje splošne rodnosti iz podatkov za živorojene otroke po petletnih starostnih skupinah mater in podatkov po petletnih starostnih skupinah žensk:
The calculation of age-specific general fertility rate from the data for live born children by five-year age groups of mothers and the data by five-year age groups of women:
5fx = starostnospecifična stopnja splošne rodnosti
5Nx = število živorojenih otrok, ki so jih rodile matere, stare od x let do (x + 5) let
5Pf, x, (30.6.) = število žensk, starih od x let do (x + 5) let, 30. junija
5fx = age-specific general fertility rate
5Nx = number of live born children given birth by mothers aged x years to (x+5) years
5Pf, x, (30.6.) = number of women aged x years to (x+5) years on 30 June
Koeficient maskulinitete za živorojene v koledarskem letu je razmerje med številom živorojenih dečkov in številom živorojenih deklic, pomnoženo s 100:
Sex ratio for live-births in the calendar year is the ratio between the number of live-born boys and the number of live-born girls, multiplied by 100:
kmn = koeficient maskulinitete za živorojene
Nm = število živorojenih dečkov
Nf = število živorojenih deklic
kmn = sex ratio for live born children
Nm = number of live-born boys
Nf = number of live-born girls
Povprečna starost (glej 3. Prebivalstvo po starosti in spolu)
Mean age (see 3. Population by age and sex)
Starostnospecifična stopnja dovoljene splavnosti je razmerje med številom dovoljenih splavov žensk določene starosti in številom žensk iste starosti konec istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000.
Age-specific rate of legal abortion is the ratio between the number of legal abortions by women of a given age and the number of women of the same age at the end of the year, multiplied by 1000.
Izračun starostnospecifične stopnje dovoljene splavnosti iz podatkov po petletnih starostnih skupinah:
The calculation of age-specific rates of legal abortion from the data by five-year groups:
5dssx = starostnospecifična stopnja dovoljene splavnosti
5DSx = število dovoljenih splavov žensk, starih od x let do (x + 5) let
5Pf, x, (30.6.) = število žensk, starih od x let do (x + 5) let, 30. junija
5dssx = age-specific rate of legal abortion
5DSx =the number of legal abortions by women aged x years to (x+5) years
5 Pf, x, (30. 6.) = number of women aged x years to (x+5) years on 30. June
Dovoljena splavnost na 1000 žensk v rodni dobi (15–49 let) je za koledarsko leto razmerje med številom dovoljenih splavov in številom žensk v rodni dobi (15–49 let) konec istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000:
Legal abortion per 1000 women in reproductive age (15-49 years) is the ratio between the number of legal abortions in the calendar year and the number of women in reproductive age (15-49 years) at the end of the same year, multiplied by 1000:
ds = dovoljena splavnost na 1000 žensk v rodni dobi
DS = število dovoljenih splavov
Pf, (15-49), (30. 6.) = število žensk v rodni dobi, 31. decembra
ds = legal abortion per 1000 women in reproductive age
DS = number of legal abortions
Pf, (15-49), (30. 6.) = number of women in reproductive age on 30. June
Sklenitve zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med številom sklenitev zakonskih zvez v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000: |
Marriages per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the number of marriages in the calendar year and the same midyear population, multiplied by 1000:
z = sklenitve zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev
Z = število sklenitev zakonskih zvez
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija
z = marriages per 1000 inhabitants
Z = number of marriages
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Povprečna starost (glej 3. Prebivalstvo po starosti in spolu)
Mean age (see 3. Population by age and sex)
Razveze zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med številom razvez zakonskih zvez v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000:
Divorces per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the number of divorces in the calendar year and the same midyear population, multiplied by 1000:
rz = razveze zakonskih zvez na 1000 prebivalcev
RZ = število razvez zakonskih zvez
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija
rz = divorces per 1000 inhabitants
RZ = number of divorces
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Razveze zakonskih zvez na 1000 sklenitev zakonskih zvez je razmerje med številom razvez zakonskih zvez v koledarskem letu in številom sklenitev zakonskih zvez v istem letu, pomnoženo s 1000:
Divorces per 1000 marriages is the ratio between the number of divorces in the calendar year and the number of marriages in the same year, multiplied by 1000:
RZs = razveze zakonskih zvez na 1000 sklenitev zakonskih zvez
RZ = število razvez zakonskih zvez
Z = število sklenitev zakonskih zvez
RZs = divorces per 1000 marriages
RZ = number of divorces
Z = number of marriages
Povprečna starost (glej 3. Prebivalstvo po starosti in spolu)
Mean age (see 3. Population by age and sex)
Umrli na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med številom umrlih v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000:
Deaths per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the number of deaths in the calendar year and the same midyear population, multiplied by 1000:
m = umrli na 1000 prebivalcev
M = število umrlih
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija |
m = deaths per 1000 inhabitants
M = number of deaths
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Umrli dojenčki na 1000 živorojenih je razmerje med številom umrlih dojenčkov v koledarskem letu in številom živorojenih v istem letu, pomnoženo s 1000:
Infant mortality per 1000 live born children is the ratio between the number of infant deaths in the calendar year and the number of live born children in the same year, multiplied by 1000:
m0 = umrli dojenčki na 1000 živorojenih
M0 = število umrlih dojenčkov
N = število živorojenih
m0 = infant mortality per 1000 live born children
M0 = infants deaths
N = number of live born children
Starostnospecifična stopnja umrljivosti je razmerje med številom umrlih določene starosti v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva enake starosti sredi istega leta, pomnoženo s 1000.
Age-specific mortality rate is the ratio between the number of deaths of persons of a given age in the calendar year and the midyear population of the same age in the same year, multiplied by 1000.
Izračunavamo jih običajno za vsak spol posebej.
Normally it is calculated for each sex separately.
Izračun starostnospecifične stopnje umrljivosti iz podatkov po letih starosti umrlih in podatkov o številu prebivalstva enake starosti sredi istega leta:
The calculation of age-specific mortality rate from the data by age of the dead and the data on the midyear population of the same age in the same year:
mm,x; m f,x = starostnospecifična stopnja umrljivosti moških oziroma žensk
Mm,x; M f,x = število umrlih moških oziroma žensk, starih x let
Pm,x,(30.6.); P f,x, (30.6.) = število moških oziroma žensk, starih x let, 30. junija
mm,x ; m f,x = age-specific mortality rate of men or women
Mm,x ; M f,x = number of dead men or women aged x years
Pm,x,(30.6.) ; P f,x, (30.6.) = number of men or women aged x years on 30 June
Izračun starostnospecifične stopnje umrljivosti iz podatkov po petletnih starostnih skupinah umrlih in podatkov o številu prebivalstva enake starosti sredi istega leta:
The calculation of age-specific mortality rate from the data by five-year age groups of the dead and the data on the midyear population of the same age:
5mm,x; 5m f,x = starostnospecifična stopnja umrljivosti moških oz. žensk
5Mm,x; 5M f,x = število umrlih moških oz. žensk, starih od x let do (x + 5) let,
v koledarskem letu
5Pm,x,(30.6.); 5Pf,x, (30.6.) = število moških oz. žensk, starih od x let do (x + 5) let, 30. junija
5mm,x ; 5m f,x = age-specific mortality rate of men or women
5Mm,x ; 5M f,x = number of dead men or women aged x years to (x+5) years
5Pm,x,(30.6.) ; 5Pf,x, (30.6.) = number of men or women aged x years to (x+5) years on 30 June
Pričakovano trajanje življenja je razmerje med vsoto preostalih let življenja oseb, starih x let, in številom teh. Izračunavamo ga s pomočjo tablic umrljivosti za eno koledarsko leto ali za več koledarskih let skupaj in za vsak spol posebej:
Life expectancy is the ratio between the sum of additional number of years lived beyond age x and the number of persons aged x years. It is calculated with the help of life tables for one or more calendar years and for each sex:
em,x; ef,x = pričakovano trajanje življenja
x = starost
lm,x; lf,x = tablično število živih moških oz. žensk, starih x let
Lm,x; Lf,x = tablično srednje število živih moških oz. žensk, starih x let
em,x ; ef,x = life expenctancy
x = age
lm,x ; lf,x = table number of living men or women aged x years
Lm,x ; Lf,x = table mean number of living men or women aged x years
Povprečna starost (glej 3. Prebivalstvo po starosti in spolu)
Mean age (see 3. Population by age and sex)
Priseljeni na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med številom priseljenih v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta na določenem območju, pomnoženo s 1000: |
Immigrants per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the number of immigrants in the calendar year and the same midyear population, for a given area, multiplied by 1000:
i = priseljeni na 1000 prebivalcev
I = število priseljenih
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija
i = immigrants per 1000 inhabitants
I = number of immigrants
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Odseljeni na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med številom odseljenih v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta na določenem območju, pomnoženo s 1000:
Emigrants per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the number of emigrants in the calendar year and the same midyear population, for a given area, multiplied by 1000:
e = odseljeni na 1000 prebivalcev
E = število odseljenih
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija
e = emigrants per 1000 inhabitants
E = number of emigrants
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Selitveni prirast je razlika med številom priseljenih in odseljenih na določenem območju v koledarskem letu:
Net migration is the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants for a given area in the same calendar year:
SP = selitveni prirast
I = število priseljenih
E = število odseljenih
SP = net migration
I = number of immigrants
E = number of emigrants
Selitveni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev je razmerje med selitvenim prirastom v koledarskem letu in številom prebivalstva sredi istega leta, na določenem območju, pomnoženo s 1000: |
Net migration per 1000 inhabitants is the ratio between the net migration in the calendar year and the same midyear population, for a given area, multiplied by 1000:
sp = selitveni prirast na 1000 prebivalcev
SP = selitveni prirast
P(30.6.) = število prebivalstva 30. junija
sp = net migration per 1000 inhabitants
SP = net migration
P(30.6.) = number of inhabitants on 30 June
Koeficient maskulinitete za priseljene oziroma odseljene v koledarskem letu je razmerje med številom priseljenih oziroma odseljenih moških in številom priseljenih oziroma odseljenih žensk, pomnoženo s 100: |
Sex ratio for immigrants or emigrants in the calendar year is the ratio between the number of male immigrants or emigrants and the number of female immigrants or emigrants, multiplied by 100:
kmi; kme = koeficient maskulinitete za priseljene oziroma odseljene
Im; Em = število priseljenih oziroma odseljenih moških
If; Ef = število priseljenih oziroma odseljenih žensk
kmi ; kme = sex ratio for immigrants or emigrants
Im ; Em = number of male immigrants or emigrants
If ; Ef = number of female immigrants or emigrants
Povprečna starost (glej 3. Prebivalstvo po starosti in spolu)
Mean age (see 3. Population by age and sex)