Goriška region


Source: Archive LTO Sotočje

In terms of the area, the Goriška statistical region covers almost the same surface area as the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region, but it has almost five times less population. In 2023, the population of this region represented 6% of the population of Slovenia as a whole. The region is among the least densely populated regions with on average 51 inhabitants per square kilometre.

The mean age in 2023 was 45.6 years, one and a half years above the national average. This means that the age structure of the population was less favourable. The share of the population aged 65 or more (24.3%) was the second highest behind Pomurska. The aging index was among the highest at 166, indicating that for every 100 children (i.e. persons under 15), there were on average 166 persons aged 65 or more. Goriška recorded the lowest number of marriages at just 2.3 per 1,000 residents, despite having the highest share of married residents at 47%. Births outside marriage represented 50.3% of all births, the second lowest rate. The mean age of mothers at childbirth was the highest in Slovenia at 31.8 years. The share of children aged 1–5 included in kindergartens was the third lowest (81%). Of the regions population aged 25–64, 13.2% had basic education or less, and 32.8% had tertiary education, which was just below the national average of 33.3%. In addition to Osrednjeslovenska, Goriška had the highest number of students per 1,000 population (36).

In 2023, 17.6% of persons in employment in this region worked outside the region of residence. Only one region, Osrednjeslovenska, had a lower share, namely 10.4%. The employment rate was 71.9%, the second highest among regions, while the unemployment rate was the second lowest at 2.8%. Average monthly net earnings in this region amounted to EUR 1,400, which was 3.1% less than the national average.

Disposable income per capita amounted to EUR 16,587 placing Goriška close to the national average of EUR 16,615. The region contributed 5% of Slovenia’s GDP in 2023. The GDP per capita amounted to EUR 27,187, 10% below the national average.

Residents of Goriška, Podravska and Primorsko-notranjska rated their life satisfaction at 7.7 out of 10, equal to the national average. The at-risk-of-poverty rate (11%) and the social exclusion rate (11.7%) were among the lowest in Slovenia. Goriška, Koroška and Zasavska had the lowest number of convicted persons (adults and juveniles) per 1,000 population (1.5). The number of passenger cars per 1,000 population was the highest in the country (648), as was their average age (12.9 years).

In Goriška, 500 kg of municipal waste per capita was generated, slightly below the national average of 518 kg. The region collected 67.2% of generated municipal waste separately, ranking in the middle of Slovenia’s regions. Households in the region were supplied 37.5 cubic metres of water per capita from the public water supply. The share of wastewater treated before discharge from the sewage system (57.4%) was the second lowest.

In 2023, the region accounted for 9.2% of all tourist arrivals and 8.4% of overnight stays in Slovenia. Foreign tourists dominated.

Population pyramid for 2023

The population pyramid is a graphical illustration of the age and sex structure of the population. The length of an individual bar in the chart represents the share of population in an individual age group. If you position the cursor on a single line, the share is displayed. The share of the male population is shown on the left side and of the female population on the right side of the pyramid.

Surface area (sq. km) - 1 January 2,325 20,271
Population - Total - 1 July 118,361 2,120,937
Population density - 1 July 50.9 104.6
Mean age (years) - 1 July 45.6 44.1
Total increase per 1,000 population -1.5 3.3
Number of persons in paid employment (by work place) 42,463 833,363
Employment rate (%) 71.9 69.3
Average monthly net earnings per person (EUR) 1,400.01 1,445.12
Turnover of enterprises (1,000 EUR) 7,374,020 167,559,026
Average age of passenger cars - 31 December 12.9 11.1

More data in public database SiStat