Statistics of building permits, December 2021
More building permits issued in 2021 than in previous years
In 2021, almost 7,000 building permits were issued, which is 17% more than in 2020 and the most so far.
In 2021, more buildings and more dwellings planned than in 2020
In 2021, 17% more building permits were issued than in 2020. For residential buildings 17% more building permits were issued and just as much more for non-residential buildings. The floor area of buildings for which building permits were issued in 2021 was 27% larger than in 2020. The planned floor area of residential buildings was 22% larger and of non-residential buildings 33% larger.
With building permits issued in 2021, a little more than 4,300 newly built dwellings were planned, which is 17% more than in 2020. In one-dwelling buildings 17% more dwellings were planned and in two- and more dwelling buildings 15% more than in 2020. In 2021, the planned floor area of dwellings was 20% larger than in 2020. In one-dwelling buildings the average floor area of dwellings was 169 m2 (in 2020 166 m2) and in two- and more dwelling buildings 89 m2 (in 2020 85 m2).
In December 2021, more building permits issued than in November 2021
In December 2021, 34% more building permits were issued in Slovenia than in November 2021. For residential buildings 17% more building permits were issued and for non-residential buildings 48% more than in the previous month.
By issuing building permits, in December 2021 construction of 421 dwellings was planned, which is 25% more than in November. In one-dwelling buildings 7% more and in two- and more dwelling buildings 62% more dwellings were planned.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
In 2021, 17% more building permits were issued than in 2020. For residential buildings 17% more building permits were issued and just as much more for non-residential buildings. The floor area of buildings for which building permits were issued in 2021 was 27% larger than in 2020. The planned floor area of residential buildings was 22% larger and of non-residential buildings 33% larger.
With building permits issued in 2021, a little more than 4,300 newly built dwellings were planned, which is 17% more than in 2020. In one-dwelling buildings 17% more dwellings were planned and in two- and more dwelling buildings 15% more than in 2020. In 2021, the planned floor area of dwellings was 20% larger than in 2020. In one-dwelling buildings the average floor area of dwellings was 169 m2 (in 2020 166 m2) and in two- and more dwelling buildings 89 m2 (in 2020 85 m2).
In December 2021, more building permits issued than in November 2021
In December 2021, 34% more building permits were issued in Slovenia than in November 2021. For residential buildings 17% more building permits were issued and for non-residential buildings 48% more than in the previous month.
By issuing building permits, in December 2021 construction of 421 dwellings was planned, which is 25% more than in November. In one-dwelling buildings 7% more and in two- and more dwelling buildings 62% more dwellings were planned.
Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Building permits, Slovenia
1) Data are provisional.
Building permits for buildings and planned dwellings, Slovenia, December 2021
Data for 2020 are final, while data for 2021 are provisional. Final data for 2021 will be published on 20 April 2022.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.