Persons in employment, January 2025

Fewer persons in employment in January, more significant decrease among those with temporary contracts

At the monthly level, the number of persons in employment decreased slightly, by about 2,000, with a larger decrease among men. The main reason for the decrease was the lower number of persons in employment with temporary contracts.

  • 18 March 2025 at 10:30
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  • final data
Key statistics:

  • total number down by 0.2% in January;
  • monthly decrease by 2.0% of persons in employment with temporary contracts;
  • in December 2.1% fewer persons in employment with disabilities (excluding farmers) than in December 2023;
  • in December 0.6 of a percentage point more persons in employment with completed tertiary education than in December 2023.

Fewer employees as well as self-employed

Compared to December, the number of persons in employment decreased by around 2,000 or 0.2% to approximately 936,500. The number of employees decreased by about 1,600 (0.2%), and the number of self-employed persons by almost 400 (0.4%).

At the monthly level, the number of men in employment decreased slightly more (by around 1,000 or 0.2%) than the number of women (by 950 or 0.2%).

As regards the type of employment, the number of employees with temporarily contracts decreased by nearly 2,800 (2.0%) compared to December, while the number of employees with permanent contracts increased by just over 1,200 (0.2%).

Compared to the same period last year, the number of persons in employment decreased by 0.3%. There were 0.5% fewer employees and 1.6% more self-employed. The number of men in employment went down by 0.5%, while the number of women remained almost the same.

Decrease in most sections of activities

Compared to the previous month, the number of persons in employment increased in eight sections of activities, most notably in education, by just over 300 or 0.4%, and in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, by almost 200 or 0.2%. In 12 sections, the number of persons in employment decreased, most significantly in manufacturing, by just under 700 or 0.3%.

Compared to previous January, the number of persons in employment increased the most in human health and social work activities, by around 2,200 or 3.0%, while the most notable fall was recorded in manufacturing, by almost 3,500 or 1.6%.

Fewer enterprises employing persons with disabilities, fewer persons in employment with disabilities

At the end of 2024, there were 154 registered enterprises employing persons with disabilities with at least one employed person. In total, almost 11,000 persons were employed in these enterprises, around 300 (2.5%) fewer than in the previous year.

The number of persons in employment with disabilities (excluding farmers) decreased compared to December 2023 by just under 800 or 2.1% to approximately 35,000. Among them were 16,800 men, of whom almost three-quarters had completed upper secondary education. There were around 18,200 women, 59.2% of whom had completed upper secondary education and almost a quarter tertiary education.

More persons in employment with completed tertiary education

In December, more than half of persons in employment (53.7%) had completed upper secondary education, 0.5 of a percentage point fewer than the previous year. The number of persons in employment with only basic education or less decreased by 0.1 of a percentage point (to 9.2%), while the number of persons in employment with tertiary education increased by 0.6 of a percentage point (to 37.1%).

Among men, the largest share in December had completed upper secondary education (61.9%), while nearly half of women in employment (49.2%) had completed tertiary education.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.

Persons in employment, Slovenia
Jan 2025 Jan 2025 
Dec 2024
Jan 2025
Jan 2024
numbergrowth rate (%)
Persons in employment936,483-0.2-0.3
Persons in paid employment833,341-0.2-0.5
   by legal persons788,702-0.1-0.3
   by natural persons44,639-1.4-3.7
Self-employed persons103,142-0.41.6
   private entrepreneurs77,7390.32.2
   own-account workers7,0460.510.1
During the transition period after SKD 2025 (NACE Rev. 2.1) entering into force, statistical data will still be collected and published according to SKD 2008 (NACE Rev. 2). The transition periods will vary depending on the individual surveys.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.