Estimation of the construction of buildings and dwellings, Slovenia, 2017

In Slovenia fewer buildings and more dwellings completed in 2017 than in 2016

In 2017, almost 6,600 buildings were completed, 2% fewer than in 2016. In 2017, 3,044 dwellings were completed, 2% more than in 2016. Most dwellings were completed in Ljubljana (188), followed by Vrhnika (114) and Bled (95).

  • 14 June 2018 at 10:30
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  • final data

Almost 6,600 buildings completed in 2017

In 2017, 6,588 residential and non-residential buildings were completed in Slovenia, 2% fewer than in 2016. The total floor area of these buildings is a little less than 1.5 million square metres or 5% more than the total floor area of buildings built in 2016. The floor area of completed residential buildings was 3% smaller and the floor area of completed non-residential buildings 13% larger than in 2016. In 2017, 12,131 buildings were still under construction, 49% of them residential and 51% of them non-residential.

Natural persons invested more than legal persons

In 2017, natural persons completed more than 5,668 buildings with almost 889,000 square metres of floor area, while legal persons completed almost 920 buildings with the total floor area of almost 593,000 square metres. Natural persons invested mostly in one-dwelling buildings (59% of floor area) and farm buildings (23% of floor area). On the other hand, legal persons invested mostly in industrial buildings and warehouses (49% of floor area) and buildings for public entertainment, education or hospital and institutional care (12% of floor area).

2% more dwellings completed than in 2016

In 2017, 9,432 dwellings were under construction in Slovenia, of which 3,044 were completed by the end of the year, which is 2% more than in 2016. The total floor area of dwellings completed in 2016 was almost 441,000 square meters, which is 2% less that the total floor area of dwellings built in 2016. The average floor area of a dwelling completed in one-dwelling buildings was 160 square meters, which is 2% less than in 2016,  and in multi-dwelling buildings 82 square meters, which is 10% less than in 2016.

Most dwellings built in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region

In 2017 most of the dwellings were completed in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region (23% of all), followed by the Podravska statistical region (17%). On the other hand, the fewest dwellings were completed in the Zasavska region (2%). Among the municipalities in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region most dwellings were completed in Ljubljana (188), followed by Vrhnika (114) and Ivančna Gorica (55), whereas in the Podravska statistical region most dwellings were completed in Maribor (88), followed by Slovenska Bistrica (49) and Hoče-Slivnica (41).

Completed dwellings per 1,000 population, municipalities, Slovenia, 2017


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Source: SURS

Buildings completed, Slovenia, 2016–2017
Residential buildings2,566675,1082,537652,527
  one-dwelling buildings2,479612,9792,439583,240
  two- and more-dwelling buildings8247,6908450,790
  residences for communities514,4391418,497
Non-residential buildings4,149731,2484,051829,122
Source: SURS
Completed dwellings, Slovenia, 2016–2017
Residential buildings2,958448,7293,023439,619
  one-dwelling buildings2,534412,1662,488397,746
  two- and more-dwelling buildings35532,15740733,234
  residences for communities694,4061288,639
Non-residential buildings171,432211,367
Source: SURS
Data for completed buildings and dwellings are estimated based on building permits data. From 2016 on the source of the building permits data has been the Spatial Information System. Before 2016 the data were collected with the paper questionnaire on building permits (GRAD-GD/M).
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.