Earnings of persons in paid employment by legal persons, Slovenia, November 2018
Average gross earnings for November 2018 8.1% higher than earnings for October 2018
Average gross earnings for November 2018 amounted to EUR 1,812.73 and were higher than earnings for October 2018; in nominal terms by 8.1% and in real terms by 8.0%. Average earnings increased mostly due to higher extra payments paid with earnings for November 2018.
Average earnings increased (compared to earnings for October 2018) mostly due to higher extra payments paid with earnings for November 2018
Average gross earnings for November 2018 amounted to EUR 1,812.73. Compared to gross earnings for October 2018 they were higher in nominal terms by 8.1% and in real terms by 8.0%. Average net earnings for November 2018 amounted to EUR 1,186.25. Compared to net earnings for October 2018 they were higher in nominal terms by 9.2% and in real terms by 9.1%.
Similarly as in the previous years, average earnings for November 2018 increased (compared to earnings for October 2018) mostly due to higher extra payments (13th month payments and Christmas bonuses) paid with earnings for November.
Extra payments paid with earnings for November 2018 were received by 23.2% of all persons in paid employment who received earnings (i.e. 1.9 percentage points more than in November 2017). Average extra payments paid with earnings for November 2018 amounted to EUR 667.04 gross, which is 1.0% more than average extra payments paid with earnings for November 2017.
Average earnings for November 2018 were also higher than average earnings for November 2017; gross earnings in nominal terms by 3.2% (in real terms by 1.2%) and net earnings in nominal terms by 3.0% (in real terms by 1.0%).
Average earnings noticeably higher only in the private sector
Compared to earnings for October 2018, average net earnings for November 2018 increased in both sectors: in the private sector by 12.6% and in the public sector by 3.1% (in the institutional sector general government they were higher by 0.5%).
Average earnings for November 2018 higher than earnings for October 2018 in all activities
Compared to earnings for October 2018, average net earnings for November 2018 increased in all activities, the least in education (by 0.2%) and the most in financial and insurance activities (by 22.7%). Compared to earnings for October 2018, average net earnings for November 2018 increased by more than 15.0% in the following activities: manufacturing (by 17.1%), water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (by 16.7%) and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (by 15.6%).
The highest average net earnings for November 2018 were paid in financial and insurance activities (they amounted to EUR 1,819.75).
Average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia
Source: SURS |
Detailed, final data on average earnings in Slovenia for November 2018 will be published on 25 January 2019 in the SI-STAT Database on SURS’s website.
Data are not seasonally adjusted.