Household Accounts by Region, Slovenia, 2018

In 2018, household disposable income up in all statistical regions in Slovenia; by 5.8% on average.

Compared to 2017, in 2018 household disposable income was higher in all statistical regions in Slovenia: disposable income per capita was the highest in Koroška  (EUR 12,970), followed by Jugovzhodna Slovenija (EUR 12,343) and Osrednjeslovenska (EUR 12,199).

  • 22 October 2019 at 10:30
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In 2018, household disposable income increased in all statistical regions

In 2018, household disposable income per capita increased in all statistical regions, namely by 5.8% on average. Disposable income per capita increased the most in Posavska and Jugozahodna Slovenija (in both by 7.3%), followed by Zasavska (by 7.0%), and the least in Pomurska (by 4.3%).

The amount of household disposable income is  affected predominantly by compensation of employees. Households received on average 7.2% more compensation of employees in 2018 over 2017 and they generated on average 7.2% more net operating surplus and mixed income. In Zasavska, Posavska and Jugovzhodna Slovenija, the growth of compensation of employees per capita was higher than the average growth in Slovenia.

The highest household disposable income in Koroška, the lowest in Pomurska

In 2018, household disposable income per capita amounted to EUR 11,872 on average. Disposable income per capita was the highest in the Koroška statistical region (EUR 12,970); in fact it was 9.2% higher than the average national disposable income. Disposable income was the lowest in the Pomurska statistical region (EUR 10,884); in fact it was 8.3% lower than the average national disposable income.

In 2018, regional disparities increased

In 2018, disposable income per capita in statistical regions of Slovenia, weighted by the number of residents in regions, differed on average by 3.3% from the national average. Compared to 2017, in 2018 the regional disparities increased by 0.1 percentage point. The increase in regional disparities was influenced also by different dynamics of growth of disposable income.

Data revision

We release the revised data on household accounts by regions. The harmonisation with the revised non-financial sector accounts data, gross domestic product and revised data sources for household accounts by regions has been made. The revision of data covered the entire time period, i.e. from 2000 onwards.
Disposable income per capita, statistical regions, Slovenia
Disposable income per capita, statistical regions, Slovenia
Source: SURS
Household disposable income, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2018
Per capita
EUR Index
Growth (%)
Jugovzhodna Slovenija12,343104.07.3
Source: SURS
Household disposable income, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2018
Per capita
EUR Index
Growth (%)
Zahodna Slovenija12,094101.95.5
Vzhodna Slovenija11,67398.36.0
Source: SURS
Differences in regional household disposable income per capita, Slovenia
Diff.between max and min (Index points)28.322.823.721.116.614.011.314.315.116.117.6
Dispersion (% of national average)
Source: SURS
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.