Labour Force Survey Results, detailed data, Slovenia, 2nd quarter 2021
Data on the Labour Force Survey results for the 2nd quarter 2021 now published in the SiStat Database
In the 2nd quarter of 2021, the ILO unemployment rate in Slovenia was 4.3%. More detailed data on employed, unemployed and inactive persons are now published in the SiStat Database.
Data on the Labour Force Survey results in Slovenia for the 2nd quarter of 2021, published in the First Release of 27 August 2021, are now published in the SiStat database.
The Slovenian Labour Force Survey has a renewed questionnaire and revised methodology valid from the first quarter of 2021. The majority of changes are consequences of the new Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 October 2019 establishing a common framework for European statistics relating to persons and households, based on data at individual level collected from samples, together with its implementing and delegated acts.
Key changes (which also have consequence on the disseminated statistics) include the new definitions of the target population, household and employed persons.
Target population consists of all residents of Slovenia residing in the private households (until 2020 the target population were all Slovenian residents). A household is any community (with family or other relations) of persons, who live and eat together and use their income to cover basic living needs. In the revised definition, also students who do not live in their primary household are considered to be in the household if they are economically dependent on this household.
Employed persons are persons, aged 15-89, who during the reference week did any work for pay or profit (in cash or kind) or family gain for at least one hour, including contributing family workers. Persons who were not working but had a job from which they were temporarily absent are also considered employed. Absences include holidays, annual, sick, parental, maternity, parental leave, such working arrangements or compensation of hours, education or training connected to the job. Also seasonal workers absent due to off-season time but performing any kind of work linked to their seasonal work are also listed among employed persons. The same goes for ones absent due to other reasons or lay-off if the total duration of absence is 3 months or less.
Due to the measures in force in the Republic of Slovenia at the time of the collection of LFS data (2nd quarter 2021), we experienced difficulties in data collection. The response rate in the 2nd quarter of 2021 was 38.9%, 38.8 percentage points lower than the average response rate in 2019 (77.7%).
Additional explanations are available in the updated Methodological explanations.
Key changes (which also have consequence on the disseminated statistics) include the new definitions of the target population, household and employed persons.
Target population consists of all residents of Slovenia residing in the private households (until 2020 the target population were all Slovenian residents). A household is any community (with family or other relations) of persons, who live and eat together and use their income to cover basic living needs. In the revised definition, also students who do not live in their primary household are considered to be in the household if they are economically dependent on this household.
Employed persons are persons, aged 15-89, who during the reference week did any work for pay or profit (in cash or kind) or family gain for at least one hour, including contributing family workers. Persons who were not working but had a job from which they were temporarily absent are also considered employed. Absences include holidays, annual, sick, parental, maternity, parental leave, such working arrangements or compensation of hours, education or training connected to the job. Also seasonal workers absent due to off-season time but performing any kind of work linked to their seasonal work are also listed among employed persons. The same goes for ones absent due to other reasons or lay-off if the total duration of absence is 3 months or less.
Due to the measures in force in the Republic of Slovenia at the time of the collection of LFS data (2nd quarter 2021), we experienced difficulties in data collection. The response rate in the 2nd quarter of 2021 was 38.9%, 38.8 percentage points lower than the average response rate in 2019 (77.7%).
Additional explanations are available in the updated Methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.