Earnings of persons in paid employment by legal persons, Slovenia, August 2021
Average gross earnings for August 2021 2.1% lower than earnings for July 2021
Average gross earnings for August 2021 amounted to EUR 1,900.43. Compared to earnings for July 2021, they were lower in nominal terms by 2.1% and in real terms by 2.2%. They were the highest in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply.
Average earnings for August 2021 lower than earnings for July 2021
Average gross earnings for August 2021 amounted to EUR 1,900.43. Compared to gross earnings for July 2021, they were lower in nominal terms by 2.1% and in real terms by 2.2%. Average net earnings for August 2021 amounted to EUR 1,228.05 and were lower than net earnings for July 2021, in nominal terms by 1.7% and in real terms by 1.8%.
Average earnings for August 2021 lower than earnings for July 2021 only in the public sector
Compared to earnings for July 2021, average gross earnings for August 2021 decreased only in the public sector, i.e. by 7.0% (in the institutional sector general government they decreased by 9.4%), while they increased in the private sector (by 0.9%).
Average earnings for August 2021 the highest in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
The highest average gross earnings for August 2021 were paid in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (EUR 2,864.67). Average gross earnings for August 2021 (compared to earnings for July 2021) also increased the most in that activity (by 8.5%; mainly due to higher extra payments).
On the other hand, compared to earnings for July 2021, average gross earnings for August 2021 decreased the most in education (by 16.0%).
Average earnings for August 2021 higher than the national average in the Osrednjeslovenska and Jugovzhodna Slovenija statistical regions
Average gross earnings for August 2021 were higher than the national average in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region (by 9.6%) and in the statistical region Jugovzhodna Slovenija (by 9.1%). On the other hand, the lowest average gross earnings for August 2021 were paid in the Primorsko-notranjska statistical region (they amounted to EUR 1,670.04 and were by 12.1% lower than the national average).
Detailed data on average monthly earnings for August 2021 are available in the SiStat Database.
Average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia
Source: SURS |
Due to the negative impact of measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic on the data quality and thus the need for additional data controls and data editing, the planned monthly First Release of Earnings of persons in paid employment by legal persons, Slovenia, August 2021 was postponed by seven days. At the same time, we merged the First and Electronic Releases into one release; the final detailed data are released three days earlier than the previously planned Electronic Release. You can find more information in The releases Earnings of persons in paid employment by legal persons, Slovenia, in the rest of 2021 are postponed.
Data are not seasonally adjusted.
Due to the higher non-response rate, letters M (less reliable estimate – use with caution) or N (too unreliable estimate to be published) could flag certain data series.
More detailed information can be found in the Methodological Explanation.