Surface area (sq. km) - 1 January 2,675 20,271
Population - Total - 1 July 147,406 2,120,937
Population - Men - 1 July 75,271 1,066,634
Population - Women - 1 July 72,135 1,054,303
Population density - 1 July 55.1 104.6
Natural increase -93 -4,551
Total increase 697 6,977
Live births per 1,000 population 9.5 8.0
Deaths per 1,000 population 10.2 10.2
Natural increase per 1,000 population -0.6 -2.1
Total net migration per 1,000 population 5.4 5.4
Total increase per 1,000 population 4.7 3.3
Mean age (years) - 1 July 43.2 44.1
Ageing index - 1 July 125.3 145.4
Ageing index for men - 1 July 107.6 123.3
Ageing index for women - 1 July 144.3 168.9
Number of kindergartens 59 988
Number of children in kindergartens (by pre-school provider) 6,569 84,522
Children aged 1-5 in kindergartens (%) 81.1 82.5
Number of pupils 14,690 196,371
Number of upper secondary school pupils (by residence) 5,569 80,685
Number of tertiary students (by residence) 5,091 80,648
Tertiary students (per 1,000 population) 34 38
Tertiary graduates (per 1,000 population) 8 8
Number of persons in employment (by residence) 65,968 933,738
Number of persons in employment (by work place) 57,951 933,738
Number of persons in paid employment (by work place) 51,674 833,363
Number of self-employed persons (by work place) 6,277 100,375
Employment rate (%) 70.8 69.3
Average monthly gross earnings per person (EUR) 2,262.08 2,220.95
Average monthly net earnings per person (EUR) 1,478.54 1,445.12
Average monthly gross earnings (index, SI=100) 101.9 100.0
Average monthly net earnings (index, SI=100) 102.3 100.0
Number of enterprises 12,120 228,944
Turnover of enterprises (1,000 EUR) 8,951,975 167,559,026
Number of dwellings - 1 January 58,125 864,323
Number of dwellings (per 1,000 population) 398 410
Share of dwellings with three or more rooms (%) 63 62
Average useful floor space (m2) of dwellings 88.0 83.3
Number of passenger cars - 31 December 88,165 1,230,565
Number of passenger cars (per 1,000 inhabitants) - 31 December 597 579
Average age of passenger cars - 31 December 11.3 11.1
Municipal waste collected by public waste removal scheme (tons) 45,245 801,408
Municipal waste collected by public waste removal scheme (kg/capita per year) 307 378
Exports of goods (1,000 EUR) 4,528,501 54,997,827
Imports of goods (1,000 EUR) 2,399,097 57,084,306
Investment in fixed assets (1,000 EUR) 508,804 8,647,657
Regional gross domestic product (mio EUR) 4,004 63,951
Regional gross domestic product per capita (EUR, current rate) 27,170 30,158
Current expenditure for environmental protection (1,000 EUR) 44,626 1,014,908
Gross fixed capital formation for environmental protection (1,000 EUR) 23,313 M 474,224

More data in public database SiStat