Income, poverty and social exclusion indicators, detailed data, 2024
New in the SiStat Database: Income, poverty and social exclusion indicators, detailed data for 2024
Detailed data on income, poverty and social exclusion are published in the SiStat Database.
Data published on 20 February 2025 in the release Income, poverty and social exclusion indicators, 2024 are now available at a more extended and detailed level in the SiStat Database.
More indicators are published than in the First Release and the already published data were supplemented by more detailed breakdowns, e.g. by age and gender, level of education and most frequent activity status of a person, household type and tenure status of a household, for income before social transfers and after social transfers, for income classes, as well as by cohesion and statistical regions.
Detailed data show, for example, that the at-risk-of-poverty rate in Slovenia increased slightly last year (by 0.5 p.p.), but it also decreased in some household types: in single-member households aged under 65 (by 4.8 p.p.), in households of two adults with one or two dependent children (in the former by 1.2 p.p., in the latter by 0.7 p.p.) and in households of three or more adults with or without dependent children (in the former by 0.6 p.p., in the latter by 0.4 p.p.).
More indicators are published than in the First Release and the already published data were supplemented by more detailed breakdowns, e.g. by age and gender, level of education and most frequent activity status of a person, household type and tenure status of a household, for income before social transfers and after social transfers, for income classes, as well as by cohesion and statistical regions.
Detailed data show, for example, that the at-risk-of-poverty rate in Slovenia increased slightly last year (by 0.5 p.p.), but it also decreased in some household types: in single-member households aged under 65 (by 4.8 p.p.), in households of two adults with one or two dependent children (in the former by 1.2 p.p., in the latter by 0.7 p.p.) and in households of three or more adults with or without dependent children (in the former by 0.6 p.p., in the latter by 0.4 p.p.).
The calculation of at-risk-of-poverty threshold, at-risk-of-poverty rate and other income indicators is based on the income earned in 2023.
The source of data on living conditions is the EU comparable Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), which was implemented with the survey in 2024 (survey year) and the use of administrative and register data mostly referring to 2023 (income reference year).
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
The source of data on living conditions is the EU comparable Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), which was implemented with the survey in 2024 (survey year) and the use of administrative and register data mostly referring to 2023 (income reference year).
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.