Economic accounts for agriculture, Slovenia, 2019

Lower agricultural output value in 2019 resulted in lower income than in 2018.

Gross value added in agriculture amounted to 1.2% of GDP in 2019. The main reason for the 0.2 percentage point decrease was the crop output value decrease due to the comparison with the extraordinary fruit and grapes harvest 2018. The worse harvest resulted in lower income indicators in agriculture.

  • 1 October 2020 at 10:30
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Factor income per employee in agriculture EUR 6,899, a 9% decrease compared with 2018

In 2019 the values of all income categories in Slovenia decreased in comparison with the previous year. The share of gross value added of agriculture in gross domestic product decreased by 0.2 of a percentage point to 1.2% of GDP, which is the 2016 level.

In 2019 factor income amounted to EUR 533 million; the value decreased by 10% compared with the previous year. Factor income per employee decreased by 9% compared with the previous year and amounted to EUR 6,899. Income was influenced by the value of agricultural production, which decreased by 3%, the value of intermediate consumption, which increased by 2%, and employment, which decreased by 1%.

The amount of subsidies in 2019 remained at the previous year’s level

Subsidies amounted to EUR 249 million in 2019; in comparison with the previous year the value remained almost unchanged. Subsidies influenced the factor income and had no direct influence on value added. The share of subsidies in factor income was 47% or 5 p.p. higher than in the previous year.

Value of agricultural output is the main reason for the decrease in income indicators

In 2019 the value of the agricultural production was EUR 1,325 million, which is a 3% decrease compared with the previous year, even though the prices increased by 5%. The main reason for that was 8% volume decrease, mostly due to the lower crop production.

Crop production value decreased in 2019 due to the volume decrease despite the price increase

Crop production in Slovenia in 2019 was estimated at EUR 735 million, which was 55% of the agricultural output value or 3 p.p. less than in the previous year. Crop prices were 6% higher than in the previous year, but the value of crop production decreased by 8% due to the volume decrease by 13%. The main reason for lower crop production value in 2019 was the substantial decrease in fruit, grapes and wine production.

The value of fruit decreased by 38% due to the almost halved extraordinary 2018 harvest quantities, despite the 30% price increase. Wine production decreased by 20% due to the 21% volume decrease and the 1% price increase. The value of olive oil decreased by half due to the halved olive oil production. The value of forage plants remained at the previous year’s level due to the unchanged volume and price. The value of cereals decreased by 1% due to the price increase by 6% despite the volume decrease by one tenth. The value of industrial crops decreased by 2% due to the volume decrease by one tenth and the price increase by one tenth.

In comparison with the previous year, only the value of vegetables and potato production increased.

The value of vegetables increased by 20% due to the volume increase by 9% and the price increase by 11%. The potato production value increased by almost one third due to the almost one half price increase despite one tenth volume decrease.

Animal output value in comparison with 2018 slightly higher

Animal output for 2019 was estimated at EUR 571 million. The share of animal output in agricultural output was 43% in 2019 or 3 p.p. higher than in 2018. The value of animal output increased by 4% due to the price increase, while the volume decreased by 1% and remained almost the previous year level. The production value increased in both animals and animal products but the reasons for the higher value were different in each area.

Increased animal output value; due to the price increase the pig production value increased the most

Animal value amounted to EUR 331 million, 25% of agricultural output value or 2 p.p. more than in 2018. Animal output increased by 3% due to the 2% price increase and the volume increase by 1%. Volumes and prices were higher by all economically important kinds of animals, except cattle where the output value decreased by 1% due to the price increase by 2% and despite the volume increase by 1%. The highest production value increase (by 17%) occurred by pigs production due to the price increase by 14% and the volume increase by 2%. The increased poultry value by 4% based on the price increase by 3% and the volume increase by 1%.

Animal output value increased due to the milk price increase and the eggs volume increase

The value of animal products amounted to EUR 241 million. In comparison with 2018 it went up by 3%. The main reason for the higher value of animal products was the volume decrease (by 3%) and the price increase (by 6%). The share of the animal products was 18% of agricultural output, which is an increase by 1 p.p. compared with the previous year. The main reason for the animal products decrease was the milk value increase by 5% due to the price increase by 7% and the volume decrease by 1%. The value of eggs production increased by one tenth due to the volume increase by 8% and the price increase by 3%. The value of other animal products was almost halved due to the almost half volume decrease influenced by the decreased honey production. The entire series of raw wool values was revised.

Agricultural services output amounted to EUR 18 million or 1% of agricultural output.

Almost two thirds of the value of agricultural production is related to animal output

The share of animal production in the wider sense that includes animals, animal products and crop production produced and consumed on agricultural holding for feedingstuffs (forage plants, cereals, potato that are produced and consumed on the same farm holding) amounted to 62% of agricultural output in 2019.

Higher costs as a result of higher input prices and services; only energy and plant protection costs were lower

The value of intermediate consumption (EUR 764 million) increased in comparison with the previous year by 2% as a result of the price increase.

The cost of veterinary services increased the most, by 9%. Higher than in the previous year were the costs of seeds and the costs of mineral fertilisers – both increased by 4%. The costs of feedingstuff went up by 3% (due to the price increase by 1% and the volume increase by 1%). The costs of the maintenance of equipment went up by 6%, and the costs of buildings and agricultural services both by 2%. Energy costs decreased by 2% due to the same percentage of price decrease. Plant protection costs decreased by 1% due to the lower consumption and price increase by 6%. The value of other costs in agriculture decreased by 5%, mainly due to the lower volume of consumed material and services and partly due to the price increase.

Value of gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) remains at the previous year’s level

In 2019, GFCF in Slovenia amounted to EUR 294 million or 1% less than in 2018. The GFCF in plantations and animals amounted to EUR 20 million and decreased by 19% over the previous year. The GFCF in non-agricultural products remained at the previous year level and amounted to EUR 273 million.

Decrease in paid and unpaid employment in agriculture

In 2019, 77,306 employees were involved in the agricultural production, almost 1% fewer than in 2018. Most of them were self-employed (70,759 or just about 1% fewer than in the previous year). Besides the self-employed, 6,547 paid employees were also involved in the agricultural production or 1% fewer than in 2018.

Agricultural output, gross value added and employment, Slovenia
Agricultural output, gross value added and employment, Slovenia
Source: SURS
Main agregates of the economic accounts of agriculture, Slovenia
current prices (mio. EUR)
Agricultural output1,2701,2071,1531,3701,325
Intermediate consumption746737723750764
Gross value added 1)524470430620561
Fixed capital consumption258260262267270
Net value added at basic prices 2)266210168352291
Compensation of employees7486919499
Other taxes on production 64666
Other subsidies on production 238247260247249
Factor income 3)499452422594533
Operating surplus/Mixed income 4)424366331500435
Rents paid1921191920
Interest paid74434
Interest received11110
Entrepreneurial income 5)399342309478411
Gross fixed capital formation 249231254298294
GFCF in agricultural products3834322520
GFCF in non-agricultural products249231254298294
Employment (1.000 AWU) 6)8180797877
1) Gross value added = agricultural output - intermediate consumption
2) Net value added = gross value added - fixed capital consumption
3) Factor income = net value added - other taxes on production + other subsidies on production
4) Operationg surplus/Mixed income = factor income - compensation of employees
5) Entrepreneurial income = operating surplus/mixed income - rents paid - interest paid + interest received
6) AWU = annual work unit
Source: SURS
Main agregates of the economic accounts of agriculture, Slovenia
constant prices of the previous year (mio. EUR)
Agricultural output1,2951,2281,0921,4821,263
Intermediate consumption789731720720748
Gross value added 1)507497371762515
Fixed capital consumption253256257259262
Net value added at basic prices 2)253241114504253
Compensation of employees7386909296
Other taxes on production 64666
Other subsidies on production 236245256242243
Factor income 3)484482364740489
Operating surplus/Mixed income 4)410397275648393
Rents paid1921191920
Interest paid74434
Interest received10110
Entrepreneurial income 5)385373253627370
Gross fixed capital formation 244230249288286
GFCF in agricultural products3736312420
GFCF in non-agricultural products207194218264266
Source: SURS
Main agregates of the economic accounts of agriculture, Slovenia
annual volume changes (%)
Agricultural output-3-1029-8
Intermediate consumption-2-200
Gross value added -5-2177-17
Fixed capital consumption-1-1-1-2
Net value added at basic prices-9-46199-28
Compensation of employees15412
Other taxes on production -2435-57
Other subsidies on production 34-7-2
Factor income-3-1975-18
Operating surplus/Mixed income -7-2596-21
Rents paid7-9-11
Interest paid-470-2742
Interest received-3132-4-41
Entrepreneurial income -7-26103-23
Gross fixed capital formation -8713-4
GFCF in agricultural products-6-11-23-20
GFCF in non-agricultural products-22-64-11
Source: SURS

The whole series of raw wool values was revised, for which we had difficulties in obtaining price data. In recent years, the situation has improved, so we re-evaluated the raw wool for the entire period.

The revised estimate affected the change in the value of 1995 - 2019:

- 12910 Raw wool
- 12900 Other animal products
- 12000 Animal products
 -13000 Livestock
- 16000 Agricultural production
- 18000 Manufacture of agricultural activities
- The revised series of raw wool production values has an impact on all income categories
- Due to the revision raw wool value, the value of agricultural production decreased between 0.1 and 1.0 p.p.
  (different by years), which had an impact on the reduction of factor income between 0.2 to 3 p.p.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.