European Mobility Week

In 2018, railway transport in the EU contributed 0.4% and road transport 72% of transport greenhouse gas emissions

The theme of this year's European Mobility Week is “Move sustainably. Stay healthy.” In 2020, significantly fewer passengers were carried in public scheduled transport than in 2019. In bus public transport, this decline was by 59%, and in railway transport by 41%.

  • 13 September 2021 at 10:30
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European Mobility Week
The European Mobility Week campaign was launched in 2002 at the initiative of the European Commission and has been an annual activity ever since. It takes place between 16 and 22 September, culminating in the Car-Free Day. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable mobility and the negative impacts of transport on humans and the environment, especially in cities. This year, it encourages the people of the European Union to use sustainable modes of transport, such as public transport, cycling, and walking with the slogan “Move Sustainably. Stay healthy.”

2021 is the European Year of Rail
The European Commission has declared 2021 the "European Year of Rail", with the aim of promoting the use of railway transport and thus contributing to the objectives of the European Green Deal, as railway transport is one of the most sustainable modes of transport. For example, in 2018, railway transport in the European Union accounted for only 0.4% of total greenhouse gas emissions from transport, and road transport for 71.8%.

Railway transport is a safe and sustainable mode of transport. It is the safest mode of land transport, as the number of fatalities per billion passengers per kilometre is the lowest. Between 2011 and 2015, railway transport was 27-times safer than car transport.

In the last decade, the number of traffic accidents in Slovenian railway transport decreased. In 2020, there were 5 accidents (2 fatalities), and in 2010 there were 21 accidents (14 fatalities). Investments in traffic safety, for example in the regulation of level crossings at railway and road crossings, also contributed to the decline in the number of accidents. According to data of the Ministry of Infrastructure, there were 714 level crossings in Slovenia in 2020, of which 297 had an automatic safety device (a barrier). The most critical for traffic safety are passively secured level crossings. They are marked only with traffic signs warning of danger and approaching a level crossing. In the last decade, their number has decreased by 35%. In 2011, there were 505, and in 2020 375 such level crossings.


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The number of passengers in railway transport has been declining since 2013
In the last decade, the highest number of passengers carried by trains in Slovenia was 16.4 million, recorded in 2013. After that year, the number of passengers fell below 14 million.
Recently, the number of passengers carried in railway transport has also significantly decreased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, just over 8.2 million passengers were carried, which is 41% fewer than in 2019.

Preventive measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic reduced the number of passengers in road public scheduled transport by more than half
In the decade from 2011 to 2020, the number of passengers in road public scheduled transport increased and peaked in 2017, when more than 30 million passengers were carried. In urban public scheduled transport, the number of passengers had been growing over the last decade until 2016, when almost 62 million passengers were carried. Subsidized bus passes, introduced by the Ministry of Infrastructure in 2012, for pupils and students, and free tickets for pensioners (from mid-2020 onwards) also affected the use of public transport. 

In 2020 and 2021, the use of public bus transport was restricted by COVID-19 preventive measures. The number of passengers in 2020 in both road public scheduled transport and urban scheduled transport was more than half lower than in the previous year. Approximately 13 million passengers were carried in road public scheduled transport, or 57% fewer than in 2019. In 2020, 25 million passengers were carried in urban scheduled transport, and in 2019 more than 58 million.


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So far, more than 100,000 people in Slovenia have organized carpools via the Internet
One of the possibilities for reducing traffic congestion and consequences for the environment is carpooling. It is a form of mobility in which several individuals who are not members of the same household agree on joint transport and cost sharing. This way of organizing mobility was encouraged by the Internet. 

In 2019, 105,270 individuals (7%, in the EU-27: 8%) aged 16–74 over a period of 12 months organized transport with another individual through an intermediary website, a mobile app dedicated to arranging transport services (e.g. or social networks. This was 29% more than in 2018 and 69% more than in 2017.

In 2019, 6.4% of individuals organized transport via an intermediary website or a mobile app dedicated to arranging transport services over a period of 12 months, and 0.5% via other website, application or social network.

Among EU Member States, the percentage of individuals who organized transport this way in 2019 was the highest in Estonia (29%), followed by Ireland (26%) and Malta (25%). The fewest individuals organized transport via the Internet in Cyprus, Greece and Bulgaria (2% each).


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The number of passenger cars is increasing every year
The number of passenger cars in Slovenia is growing. In the last decade the number of registered passenger cars has increased by 10% (in 2011 there were 1,066,495, and in 2020 1,170,690).

In 2020, there were 555 passenger cars per 1,000 population in Slovenia. At the level of statistical regions, Goriška had the highest number of passenger cars per 1,000 population, 621. The second highest number was recorded in the Primorsko-notranjska statistical region with 601 cars per 1,000 population and the third in the Posavska statistical region with 586 cars per 1,000 population. The Zasavska (529), Osrednjeslovenska (535), and Podravska and Gorenjska (542 each) statistical regions had the fewest passenger cars per 1,000 population.

In 2019, there were 556 passenger cars per 1,000 population in Slovenia, which was more than the EU average of 520 passenger cars per 1,000 population. The number of passenger cars per 1,000 population was the highest in Luxembourg (681), and the lowest in Romania (357).


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On average, passenger cars in Slovenia are getting older
In 2020, passenger cars in Slovenia were on average 10.4 years old. The average age of passenger cars registered in Slovenia has increased by 2 years in the last decade. The average age in 2011 was 8.4 years. The number of passenger cars over 12 years of age also increased significantly during this time. In 2020, as many as 43% of all passenger cars were older than 12 years (2011: 29%).

At the level of statistical regions, passenger cars are on average the oldest in the Goriška statistical region (on average 12 years), followed by the Primorsko-notranjska (11.4 years) and the Posavska (11.1 years) statistical regions. On the other hand, passenger cars are the youngest in Osrednjeslovenska (9.8 years), followed by Koroška (10 years), and Pomurska and Gorenjska (10.2 years each).


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When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.