Labour force survey results, 2022
The unemployment rate on an annual basis the lowest in the last thirty years
In 2022, the number of persons in employment increased by 1.5% over the previous year. At the annual basis, the unemployment rate was 4.0% or 0.7 of a percentage point lower than a year earlier.
Key Labour Force Survey statistics:
The highest number of persons in employment and the lowest number of unemployed in the last decade
The year 2022 was a record year with the highest number of persons in employment and the lowest number of unemployed in the last decade.
There were 986,000 persons in employment, 15,000 (or 1.5%) more than in the previous year and 41,000 unemployed, 7,000 (or 15%) fewer than in 2021. Among the unemployed, men and women were roughly equally represented. Compared to the previous year, the number of inactive persons decreased by 1% or 9,000 persons.

Detailed data can be found in the updated table in the SiStat Database.
Number of employees up by 2%, more 'agency workers'
Among the persons in employment, there were 848,000 employees, 118,000 self-employed and 19,000 family workers. Compared to the previous year, the number of employees increased by 2% and the number of family workers by 10%, while the number of self-employed remained the same. Among self-employed, almost three quarters (72%) were men and slightly more than a quarter (28%) were women.
The share of persons in employment working through an employment agency was 2.2%. Their number (22,000) was almost twice as high as in 2021.
Employees most often found their main job through advertisements and with the help of friends, relatives and acquaintances
Two thirds of employees (66%) found their main job through job advertisements or with the help of friends, relatives and acquaintances, 14% found their current job by directly approaching the employer or the employer approached them, and 7% found it through the Employment Service of Slovenia or through private employment agencies. 13% used other methods to find their current main job.

- 41,000 unemployed persons (7,000 fewer than in the previous year)
- 986,000 persons in employment (15,000 more than in the previous year)
- Unemployment rate at 4.0% (0.7 of a percentage point lower than in the previous year)
- Employment rate at 56.6% (0.9 of a percentage point higher than in the previous year)
- Employment rate among 20–64-year-olds at 77.9% (1.8 percentage points higher than in the previous year)
The highest number of persons in employment and the lowest number of unemployed in the last decade
The year 2022 was a record year with the highest number of persons in employment and the lowest number of unemployed in the last decade.
There were 986,000 persons in employment, 15,000 (or 1.5%) more than in the previous year and 41,000 unemployed, 7,000 (or 15%) fewer than in 2021. Among the unemployed, men and women were roughly equally represented. Compared to the previous year, the number of inactive persons decreased by 1% or 9,000 persons.
Detailed data can be found in the updated table in the SiStat Database.
Number of employees up by 2%, more 'agency workers'
Among the persons in employment, there were 848,000 employees, 118,000 self-employed and 19,000 family workers. Compared to the previous year, the number of employees increased by 2% and the number of family workers by 10%, while the number of self-employed remained the same. Among self-employed, almost three quarters (72%) were men and slightly more than a quarter (28%) were women.
The share of persons in employment working through an employment agency was 2.2%. Their number (22,000) was almost twice as high as in 2021.
Employees most often found their main job through advertisements and with the help of friends, relatives and acquaintances
Two thirds of employees (66%) found their main job through job advertisements or with the help of friends, relatives and acquaintances, 14% found their current job by directly approaching the employer or the employer approached them, and 7% found it through the Employment Service of Slovenia or through private employment agencies. 13% used other methods to find their current main job.
Detailed Labour Force Survey data are planned to be released in the SiStat Database on 19 April 2023.
Persons in employment are persons aged 15–89 years who during the reference week did any work for pay or profit (in cash or kind) or family gain for at least one hour, including contributing family workers. Persons who were not working but had a job from which they were temporarily absent are also considered employed. Absences include holidays, annual, sick, paternity, maternity, parental leave, such working arrangements or compensation of hours, education or training connected to the job. Also seasonal workers absent due to off-season time but performing any kind of work linked to their seasonal work are also listed among persons in employment. The same goes for ones absent due to other reasons or lay-off if the total duration of absence is 3 months or less.
Additional explanations are available in the Methodological explanations.
Persons in employment are persons aged 15–89 years who during the reference week did any work for pay or profit (in cash or kind) or family gain for at least one hour, including contributing family workers. Persons who were not working but had a job from which they were temporarily absent are also considered employed. Absences include holidays, annual, sick, paternity, maternity, parental leave, such working arrangements or compensation of hours, education or training connected to the job. Also seasonal workers absent due to off-season time but performing any kind of work linked to their seasonal work are also listed among persons in employment. The same goes for ones absent due to other reasons or lay-off if the total duration of absence is 3 months or less.
Additional explanations are available in the Methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.