Občina Koper

Občina je ena izmed enajstih mestnih občin v Sloveniji. Je dvojezična, saj v njej živijo pripadniki italijanske manjšine. Naravne danosti ji omogočajo razvoj turizma, prometa (Luka Koper) in gojenje posebnih kultur v kmetijstvu.


Vir: STO (http://www.slovenia.info, 28. 6. 2010), avtor J. Jeraša

Municipality Koper, which is part of the Obalno–kraška statistical region, measures 304 km2; this ranks it 7th among Slovene municipalities.

Statistical data for 2022 reveal the following:

In the middle of 2022 about 53,560 people (about 26,550 men and 27,010 women) were living in the municipality, which ranks Koper 4th among Slovene municipalities. The population density was 177 people per square kilometre, which was higher than the national average of 104 people per square kilometre.

The number of live births was lower than the number of deaths, which means that natural increase per 1,000 population in the municipality was negative. It was –2.2 (in Slovenia –2.3). The number of people who moved from the municipality was lower than the number of people who moved into the municipality, so net migration per 1,000 population in the municipality was positive. It was 10.0. The sum of natural increase and net migration per 1,000 population in the municipality was positive. It was 7.7 (in Slovenia 4.6).

The mean age of people in Koper was 44.5 years, which was higher than the national average (43.9).

As in most Slovene municipalities, in Koper the number of old people was higher than the number of young people: there were 151 people, aged 65 or more, per 100 people aged 0–14. This ratio shows that the value of the ageing index was higher than the national average of 142. It also shows that the mean age of people in Koper is growing more rapidly than in Slovenia as a whole. Data by sex show that the ageing index for women was in all municipalities except in four (Črna na Koroškem, Dobrovnik/Dobronak, Jezersko in Mislinja) higher than the ageing index for men. In Koper – as in most Slovene municipalities – more women were 65+ years old than 14 or less; for men the situation was the same.

Koper had 25 kindergartens, which were attended by 2,020 children. Of all children in the municipality aged 1–5, 80% were included in kindergartens, which was less than the national average of 82%. In the school year 2022/23 elementary schools in Koper were attended by about 4,960 pupils, while various upper secondary schools were attended by about 1,840 pupils. There were 31 students and 6 graduates per 1,000 people in the municipality; in Slovenia the averages were 38 per 1,000 and 8 per 1,000, respectively.

Among people aged 15–64 (i.e. working age population) about 69% were persons in employment (i.e. persons in paid employment or self–employed persons), which is the same as the national average.

In Koper, average monthly gross earnings per person employed by legal persons were about 4% higher than the annual average of monthly earnings for Slovenia; net earnings were about 4% higher.

Among 1,000 inhabitants in the municipality, 598 had a passenger car. The car was on average 11 years old.

In 2022, 425 kg of municipal waste per person was collected in Koper, which is 64 kg more than on average in Slovenia.

Prebivalstvena piramida za leto 2022

Prebivalstvena piramida je grafični prikaz starostne in spolne sestave prebivalstva. Dolžina posamezne črte v grafikonu prikaže delež prebivalcev v posamezni starostni skupini. Če se s kurzorjem postavite na posamezno črto, se delež izpiše. Deleži prebivalcev so prikazani na levi strani, deleži prebivalk pa na desni strani piramide.

Površina km2 - 1. januar 304 20.271
Število prebivalcev - 1. julij 53.563 2.108.732
Gostota naseljenosti - 1. julij 177 104
Povprečna starost prebivalcev - 1. julij 44,5 43,9
Skupni prirast (na 1.000 prebivalcev) 7,7 4,6
Število zaposlenih oseb (po delovnem mestu) 22.411 824.134
Stopnja delovne aktivnosti (%) 69,0 68,6
Povprečna mesečna neto plača na zaposleno osebo (EUR) 1.365,88 1.318,64
Prihodek podjetij (1.000 EUR) 5.292.420 165.285.133
Povprečna starost osebnih avtomobilov (leta) - 31. december 11,2 10,9

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